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Country / States / Cities

Locations should be formatted using the following conventions:

Format Example
Country Germany
Country / City England / London
Country / State / City US / NY / New York

Before entering a location as free text, please search through the dropdown menu to see if a location has already been entered (so that you do not introduce an alternate formatting of a location already entered).


The venue for a recording is either where a production played (a theatre or concert hall) or a TV or Radios series where a performance appeared.

Venue name should be entered without flipping a leading article (ex. A, An, The), unlike in names or titles.

  • Broadhurst Theatre (Theatre)
  • Sydney Opera House (Concert Hall)
  • Bell Telephone Hour (TV Series)
  • The Railroad Hour (Radio Series)

Recording Studios

Recording Studio names should be entered without flipping a leading article (ex. A, An, The), unlike in names or titles.

For little known recording studios or studios with generic names that could be used by multiple studios , you can put the city name in parentheses afterwards.

  • The Hit Factory
  • The Village Recorder (Los Angeles)

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