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This database is intended to catalog recordings of musicals from the stage, TV, film, etc. It can be very difficult to draw the lines between musicals and other artistic works (ex. operas). so hopefully the following information will better outline the scope of included works. Ultimately, the inclusion of recordings will be at the discreation of the site administrators.

What will be removed

  • Anything outside the scope of the database
  • Vocal recordings that do not include "show tunes"
  • Cheap, untraceable compilations
  • Recordings with incomplete/missing infortmation (no label, no cast list, recording date/year, etc)
  • Recordings that cannot be substantiated as existing
  • Non-commercial audio dubs of video recordings


  • Commercially released Audio: Sold in a store, online, at the theatre, etc.
  • Commercially released Video: Sold in a store, online, at the theatre, etc.
  • Noncommercial Audio: Promo CDs, demo recordings, unreleased studio recordings, workshops, etc.
  • Noncommercial Video: non-commercially released video taped off TV, etc.

Note: this database is not intended to hold every bootleg of Wicked, Rent, etc. floating around. Noncommercial recordings beyond the ones listed above will only be included if they hold historical significance (ex. are the only existing recording of particular show) or are soundboard recordings, created by cast/crew, resulting from a major event (ex. Encores, Actor's Fund concerts), etc. Any subsequent commercial release will result in the deletion of the non-commericial recording listing. Recordings taped with a microphone from the audience will not be included.

Recording Types

  • Stage Cast: resulting from a stage production of a musical.
  • Studio Cast: resulting from a cast assembled solely to record a score (though it may include people who have performed the show). Note: a "studio cast" of a work not otherwise already recorded or performed on stage is consided a "Concept recording" (see below).
  • Film Cast: resulting from a filmed musical.
  • TV Cast: resulting from a TV production of a musical (includes "musical episodes" of TV shows).
  • Radio Cast: resulting from radio productions of musical works (ex. the LA Theatre Works series).
  • Concept Recording: a commerically released recording of a new work in development (a non-commericially release recording would be a "Demo Recording," see below).
  • Demo Recording: a non-commercial recording created during the development process of a new musical. Often sung by the Composer or other creative team members.
  • Workshop Cast: resulting from a developmental / non-commercial workshop of the work.
  • Concert Cast: resulting from a one-off or series of concert productions of a work (ex. NYC Encores).
  • Cabaret Cast: resulting from a cabaret run, appearance at Joe's Pub, etc.
  • Vocal Recording: collection of showtunes by a singer.
  • Compilation Album: a release of tracks compiled from other recordings.
  • Karaoke: backing tracks of a musical score (may include a second set of tracks w/ guide vocals)
  • Instrumental Album: a non-vocal cover of a score or set of showtunes.

What is *NOT* included?

  • Non-musicals: recordings of plays, one-man shows, and comedy acts are not included.
  • Recordings with only 1 musical theatre song included (unless the song is a rarely covered one).
  • Tin-Pan Alley songs & Standards: Songs from the "Great American Songbook" are only included if they originated from (or have become synomous with) a specific musical theatre work.
  • Vaudeville: and British music hall performances.
  • Operas: While some operettas may be included because of their historical importance in the development of musical theatre, operas are generally not included. Exceptions may be made when a recognized musical theatre writer contributes to an opera (ex. Michael Korrie wrote the libretto for the opera Harvey Milk).
  • Soundtracks: Film soundtracks are only included for "musicals" where songs are used to advance the plot, etc. Exceptions may be made for soundtracks made up a musical theatre standards or feature a stage musical performance (i.e. the musical number in BEACHES). Not included would be "band" movies (ex. "A Hard Days Night", etc) or biopics of singers with only diegetic music.
  • "Rock Operas": song cycles / concept albums by rock groups are only included if they contain a strong plot, were intended to be later staged, or were actually staged (ex. The Who's "Tommy").
  • Cheap and/or Non-musical Compilations: There's millions of cheap, licensed-track compilations out there that may just have one or two tracks from a musical or Disney film mixed in with pop songs -- they don't all need to listed here.