John Savident (original Phantom cast) collection for sale

bombbay wrote June 11, 2024

Hello and thank you for allowing me to join, and thank you for such an amazing resource!

My name is Dan, and I am the son of John Savident, a UK actor who passed away in February; he's on the data base and of course IMDB if you wish to look him up.

Why am I telling you this? Well, John had a collection of over 200 mainly broadway vinyl recordings from the 1950's to late 1980's and I am looking to sell. I'm not sure if this is allowed on this site, but as you are all fans, and as I believe some are quite rare, I thought I'd give you all first refusal. If I'm allowed to post this, and if you're interested, then please send me an email and I can send you the list. I haven't set pricing, there is such a wide variation on ebay but we can 'discuss'; the mots important thing is they go to a good home. BTW I am aslo based in the UK

Thanks in advance and look forward to hearing from you.

Archivist wrote June 15, 2024

Hello, Dan. Our condolences on the loss of your father. You might want to consider building a "collection" list under your account here so that people can see what you have available.

DrearyBarlow wrote June 17, 2024

Ohhh I say I say!

DrearyBarlow wrote June 17, 2024

Have you got the 'holy grail' EP of John Savident from his very limited run as Norma in Sunset Boulevard (Really Useful 1995)? I believe he stepped in for Ria Jones who was stepping in for Rita Moreno who in turn was stepping in for Elaine Paige after she needed some time off following that excruciating incident at the Dress Circle store in Covent Garden. I heard he held the "hooooooome" in "As if we never said goodbye" for a full 20 seconds to rapturous applause. Someone uploaded clips from a boot to Youtube a few years ago but alas they were quickly removed.

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