The Red Mill

Show Details

Victor Herbert (115)
Henry Blossom (18)
Henry Blossom (18)
September 24, 1906


Audio Recordings

The Red Mill - 2001 Ohio Light Opera
The Red Mill - 1996 Razumovsky Symphony Orchestra
The Red Mill - 1962 Studio Cast
The Red Mill - 1979 Studio Cast
The Red Mill - 1945 Studio Cast (Al Goodman)
The Red Mill - 1945 Studio Cast (Eileen Farrell & Wilbur Evans)
The Red Mill - 1954 Studio Cast (Gordon MacRae)

Noncommercial Audio Recordings

The Red Mill - 1949 Radio Cast (The Railroad Hour)

Noncommercial Video Recordings

The Red Mill - 1958 TV Cast
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Songs also appear on these recordings (3)

Recording Songs
Music of Victor Herbert - 1975 Beverly Sills & Andre Kostelanetz Moonbeams, The Streets of New York
Broadway Theatre Orchestra Plays Hits from South Pacific - Broadway Theatre Orchestra Because You're You, Every Day Is Ladies' Day With Me, In the Isle of Our Dreams, Moonbeams, Overture, The Streets of New York
To Broadway with Love - 1964 Original Cast Every Day Is Ladies' Day With Me


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