From Avenue A to the Great White Way > Compilation

Recording Details

Audio / Vocal Recording / (Compilation)
English, Yiddish
Irving Berlin (710), Saul Chaplin (66), Walter Donaldson (115), Abraham Ellstein (3), George Gershwin (860), Bert Kalmar (58), David Meyerowitz (3), George W. Meyer (17), Alexander Olshanetsky (2), Arnold Perlmutter (2), J. Russell Robinson (6), Harry Ruby (65), Joseph Rumshinsky (2), Abe Schwartz (2), Sholom Secunda (11), Sam H. Stept (14), Herman Wohl (2)
Irving Berlin (710), Sammy Cahn (317), Con Conrad (36), Ira Gershwin (708), Archie Gottler (5), Bud Green (13), Jacob Jacobs (6), Bert Kalmar (58), Sidney Mitchell (7), Molly Picon (14), Harry Ruby (65)
Michael Brooks (14), Arthur Levy (2), Henry Sapoznik (2)
Liner Notes
Henry Sapoznik (2)
Mildred Bailey (45), Belle Baker (3), Irving Berlin (710), Dora Bowshower, Fanny Brice (34), Peisachke Burstein (2), Cab Calloway (50), Eddie Cantor (78), Nellie Casman, Carolyn Clarke, Frank Crumit (8), Morris Goldstein, Irving Grossman, Willie Howard, Al Jolson (171), Irving Kaufman (2), Abbe Lane (10), Aaron Lebedeff, Peggy Lee [1] (288), Molly Picon (14), Seymour Rechzeit, Julian Rose (2), Abe Schwartz (2), Menasha Skulnik (2), Sophie Tucker (35), Nan Wynn (15)
Yiddish and American popular songs from 1914-1950


Sony 86323
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# Tracks
8 collectors / 2 wish lists
Disc 1:
1. Voyl Iz der Mammen (Mother Is Good) [Dos Yiddel Fun Der South] -- Alexander Olshanetsky and his Orchestra and the Original Chorus of the National Theater
2. In Shtedtele Nikolayev (In the Town of Nikolayev) -- David Medoff
3. Ihr Megt Gleybn Oder Neyn (You Can Believe It or Not) -- Molly Picon (first release)
4. V'Hakohanim (The High Priest) -- Yoselle Rosenblatt
5. Huliet, Huliet Kinderlach (Play, Play Little Children) -- Abe Moskowitz
6. Whoopee -- Peisachke Burstein
7. Inzer Rebin's Vunder (Our Rabbi's Wonder) -- Dora Bowshower
8. A Brief Finem Chosid Tsum Rebin (A Letter from a Hasid to His Rabbi) -- Seymour Rechtzeit
9. Sha, Sha der Rebi Geht (Shh, Shh the Rabbi's Coming) -- Morris Goldstein
10. Vu Zenen Meine Zieben Gute Yohr? (Where Are My Seven Good Years?) -- Nellie Casman
11. Gevald! Di Bananas (Help! The Bananas) -- David Medoff
12. Hot Dogs -- Molly Picon with chorus of Kessler's Second Avenue Theater
13. Dos Yiddel Fun Der South (The Jew from the South) [Dos Yiddel Fun Der South] -- Irving Grossman
14. Dem Pastuchel's Chulem (The Shepherd's Dream) -- Abe Schwartz's Orchestra
15. Gevalt! Di Nerven (Help! My Nerves) -- Jacob Zanger
16. Mayer! -- Annie Lubin
17. Mit 40 Yohr Tzurick (40 Years Ago) -- Menashe Skulnik
18. Yes Sir, Zi Iz May Kale ("Yes Sir, That's My Baby" in Yiddish) -- Peisachke Burstein
19. Vie Iz Dos Gessele (Where Is the Little Street) -- Abe Moskowitz
20. Vos Gevehn Iz Nishtu (What Was Is No More) -- Nellie Casman
21. Beigelach (Rolls) -- Peisachke Burstein
22. Who'll Buy My Bublitchki? -- Nan Wynn with Emery Deutsch and his Orchestra
23. Zaynin Mir Chasidimlach (We Are Hasidim) -- Moe Drucker, Aaron Hantin, Nathan Zeiman, Jacob Goldman (Jewish Art Quartet) (first release)
24. Bei Mir Bist Du Schon (To Me You Are So Beautiful) -- Belle Baker
25. Roumania, Roumania -- Aaron Lebedeff
Disc 2:
1. What Am I Gonna Do? -- Irving Berlin (first commercial release)
2. I Don't Know Whether to Do It or Not -- Fanny Brice
3. Palesteena [Broadway Brevities of 1920] [The Midnight Rounders of 1921] -- Eddie Cantor
4. Rose of the Volga -- Sophie Tucker (first release)
5. Tomorrow Is Another Day [Big Boy] -- Al Jolson (first release)
6. Hooray for Baby and Me [Big Boy] -- Al Jolson (first release)
7. That's Yiddisha Jazz -- Julian Rose
8. The Sheik of Avenue B -- Frank Crumit
9. When Nathan Was Married to Rose of Washington Square -- Willie Howard
10. Since Henry Ford Apologized to Me -- Billy Jones and Earnest Hare (The Happiness Boys)
11. Yiddisha Charleston -- Irving Kaufman with Nathan Glantz and his Orchestra
12. Yosel -- Nellie Casman
13. Joseph, Joseph -- Carolyn Clarke with Russ Morgan and his Orchestra
14. Der Shtiller Bulgar (The Quiet Bulgar) -- Abe Schwartz and Jewish Orchestra
15. And the Angels Sing -- Mildred Bailey and her Orchestra
16. Dem Nayem Sher (The New Sher) -- Seymour Rechzeit (first release)
17. The Wedding Samba -- Abbe Lane with Xavier Cugat and his Orchestra
18. The Super-Special Picture of the Year -- The Yacht Club Boys
19. Mischa-Yascha-Toscha-Sascha -- The Funnyboners
20. Egyptian Ella -- Ted Lewis and his Orchestra
21. Matzoh Balls -- Slim Gaillard and his Flat Foot Floogie Boys
22. Utt-Da-Zay (That's the Way) -- Cab Calloway and his Orchestra
23. A Bee Gezindt (As Long as You're Healthy) -- Mildred Bailey
24. My Little Cousin -- Peggy Lee with Benny Goodman and his Orchestra
25. Jungle Madness -- Gene Krupa and his Orchestra (alternate take first release)

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