Broadway: The American Musical > Various Artists

User When Submitted What Changed
equisy March 31, 2016 Source, Producer, Conductor View
Rodolfo March 12, 2013 Producer, Conductor View
Davisinio November 24, 2007 View

Revision #2

Submitted March 31, 2016 by equisy

Additions from the previous version are highlighted in green. Deletions are struckthrough and highlighted in red.

Recording ID
Broadway: The American Musical
CompilationVarious Artists
Recording language
Completion score
[p5257 Boublil, Alain]
[p22761 Wiswell, Andy]
[p33513 Mardin, Arif]
[p25830 Maxin, Arnold]
[p23196 Gerhardt, Charles]
[p2089 Strouse, Charles]
[p50074 Schönberg, Claude-Michel]
[p402 Coleman, Cy]
[p45394 Kapp, David J.P.]
[p41181 Jones, Dick]
[p39476 Welker, E.O.]
[p39473 Avakian, George]
[p39477 Marek, George R.]
[p24405 Lieberson, Goddard]
[p42964 Jerome, Henry]
[p22313 Fordin, Hugh]
[p35088 Winterhalter, Hugo]
[p27409 Kapp, Jack]
[p3954 Leiber, Jerry]
[p42157 Wexler, Jerry]
[p39474 Carlton, Joe]
[p39475 Linhart, Joe]
[p38662 Morton, Larry]
[p39934 Sachs, Manie]
[p22743 Shaiman, Marc]
[p20903 Mancina, Mark]
[p19987 Koch, Martin]
[p43121 Kapp, Michael]
[p31306 Berniker, Mike]
[p3955 Stoller, Mike]
[p20351 Ayres, Mitchell]
[p42293 Gilpin, Nicholas]
[p20485 Wright, Nigel]
[p20139 Ramone, Phil]
[p1930 Schwartz, Stephen]
[p42004 Skinner, Steve]
[p24609 Shepard, Thomas Z.]
[p1801 Rice, Tim]
[p50074 Schönberg, Claude-Michel]
[p22949 Smallens, Alexander]
[p502 Davis, Buster]
[p41654 Prince, Charles Adams]
[p3402 Caddick, David]
[p2742 Lawrence, Elliot]
[p44 Allers, Franz]
[p2668 Werner, Fred]
[p2510 Dvonch, Frederick]
[p1353 MacDermot, Galt]
[p2424 Hastings, Harold]
[p2269 Wheeler, Harold]
[p849 Greene, Herbert]
[p3782 Fraser, Ian]
[p19966 Actman, Irving]
[p190 Blackton, Jay]
[p19992 Lesko, John]
[p3630 Church, Joseph]
[p2393 Littau, Joseph]
[p2053 Stein, Julian]
[p623 Engel, Lehman]
[p171 Bernstein, Leonard]
[p20029 Adrian, Louis]
[p7838 St. Louis, Louis]
[p20022 Pressel, Marc]
[p19987 Koch, Martin]
[p2512 Lowe, Martin]
[p24832 Abravanel, Maurice]
[p19983 Levine, Maurice]
[p20069 Goberman, Max]
[p3464 Rosenstock, Milton]
[p20058 Warner, Neil]
[p3702 Brady, Patrick Scott]
[p3427 Vaccariello, Patrick]
[p758 Gemignani, Paul]
[p2774 Davenport, Pembroke]
[p1028 Howard, Peter]
[p1418 Matz, Peter]
[p24838 Sinatra, Ray]
[p19903 Wiegert, René]
[p3009 Billig, Robert]
[p19868 Dell'Isola, Salvatore]
[p19920 Krachmalnick, Samuel]
[p1410 Matlowsky, Samuel]
[p1920 Schechtman, Saul]
[p3459 Coleman, Shepard]
[p2400 Lebowsky, Stanley]
[p1624 Oremus, Stephen]
[p19913 Oliver, Sy]
[p3132 Weil, Tim]
[p19947 Harper, Wally]
[p3036 Segovia, Yolanda]
[p19903 Wiegert, René]
[p13631 Astaire, Adele]
[p840 Green, Adolph]
[p3040 Bailey, Adrian]
[p9924 Barbeau, Adrienne]
[p18096 Jolson, Al]
[p779 Gilbert, Alan]
[p571 Drake, Alfred]
[p1424 McArdle, Andrea]
[p1236 Lansbury, Angela]
[p2736 Alberghetti, Anna Maria]
[p24850 Brown, Anne]
[p2660 Newley, Anthony]
[p423 Cook, Barbara]
[p2084 Streisand, Barbra]
[p215 Bostwick, Barry]
[p1678 Peters, Bernadette]
[p24780 Williams, Bert]
[p273 Buckley, Betty]
[p15843 Oakes, Betty]
[p17402 Crosby, Bing]
[p359 Channing, Carol]
[p1248 Lawrence, Carol]
[p1818 Rivera, Chita]
[p31 Alexander, Cris]
[p327 Carroll, Diahann]
[p101560 Van Dyke, Dick]
[p1534 Morrow, Doretta]
[p10937 Cantor, Eddie]
[p2086 Stritch, Elaine]
[p10751 Logan, Ella]
[p1480 Merman, Ethel]
[p14411 Waters, Ethel]
[p1693 Pinza, Ezio]
[p17127 Brice, Fanny]
[p17690 Astaire, Fred]
[p19213 Owens, Frederick B.]
[p953 Hearn, George]
[p259 Brown, Georgia]
[p1720 Price, Gerald]
[p1250 Lawrence, Gertrude]
[p388 Close, Glenn]
[p1083 Johns, Glynis]
[p594 Edelman, Gregg]
[p12357 Hines, Gregory]
[p2195 Verdon, Gwen]
[p13819 Nicholas, Harold]
[p1527 Morgan, Helen]
[p135 Battle, Hinton]
[p2655 Jackman, Hugh]
[p1477 Menzel, Idina]
[p14475 Carson, Jack]
[p1564 Naughton, James]
[p1748 Rado, James]
[p2394 Clayton, Jan]
[p9267 Raize, Jason]
[p1006 Holliday, Jennifer]
[p737 Galloway, Jenny]
[p1623 Orbach, Jerry]
[p1607 O'Hara, Jill]
[p857 Grey, Joel]
[p972 Henson, John]
[p1754 Raitt, John]
[p1778 Reardon, John]
[p1870 Rubinstein, John]
[p24779 Steel, John]
[p17675 Pryce, Jonathan]
[p1007 Holliday, Judy]
[p62 Andrews, Julie]
[p7948 Ard, Ken]
[p369 Chenoweth, Kristin]
[p1153 Kert, Larry]
[p1789 Remick, Lee]
[p16474 Holman, Libby]
[p70 Armstrong, Louis]
[p2517 Plowright, Louise]
[p2600 Kellogg, Lynn]
[p1654 Patinkin, Mandy]
[p3180 Winokur, Marissa Jaret]
[p1393 Martin, Mary]
[p250 Broderick, Matthew]
[p19369 Casella, Max]
[p2586 Moore, Melba]
[p2958 Cavanaugh, Michael]
[p450 Crawford, Michael]
[p1359 Maguire, Michael]
[p12731 Suzuki, Pat]
[p45567 Morison, Patricia]
[p1333 LuPone, Patti]
[p1829 Robeson, Paul]
[p1114 Julia, Raul]
[p6067 Bolger, Ray]
[p294 Burton, Richard]
[p1158 Kiley, Richard]
[p25 Alda, Robert]
[p1536 Morse, Robert]
[p1716 Preston, Robert]
[p1762 Rathburn, Roger]
[p7945 Hill, Ruby]
[p32128 Etting, Ruth]
[p501 Davis Jr., Sammy]
[p12328 Irby-Ranniar, Scott]
[p24841 Ross, Shirley]
[p1323 Long, Shorty]
[p1501 Mills, Stephanie]
[p2244 Watson, Susan]
[p27405 Tamara, ]
[p1856 Ross, Ted]
[p946 Haynes, Tiger]
[p580 Duncan, Todd]
[p1822 Robbins, Tom Alan]
[p5875 Cook, Victor Trent]
[p1944 Segal, Vivienne]
[p202 Bobbie, Walter]
[p17926 Huston, Walter]
[p19291 DeCarlo, Yvonne]
[p611 Elliman, Yvonne]
[p1541 Mostel, Zero]