With a Song in My Heart

Show Details

Various (573)
Various (573)
Lamar Trotti (6)
Additional Music
Sammy Fain (202), Fud Livingston (5), Matty Malneck (8)
Additional Lyrics
Lew Brown (153), Gus Kahn (226)


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Songs also appear on these recordings (12)

Recording Songs
I'm Through With Love / Makin' Whoopee - 1951 Dinah Shore I'm Through With Love
Wein, Women and Song - 1955 George Wein I'm Through With Love
The Road To Romance - 1957 Dorothy Lamour That Old Feeling
Ella Fitzgerald Sings Sweet Songs for Swingers - 1959 Ella Fitzgerald That Old Feeling
Tony Sings For Two - 1959 Tony Bennett I'm Through With Love
What a Diff'rence a Day Makes! - 1959 Dinah Washington I'm Through With Love
Dinah Sings, Previn Plays - 1960 Dinah Shore & Andre Previn That Old Feeling
Step Out Singing - 1960 Tommy Edwards That Old Feeling
Wish Upon A Star With Dion & the Belmonts - 1961 Dion & the Belmonts I'm Through With Love
Mermania!, Vol. 2 - 1964 Ethel Merman That Old Feeling
Midnight Rendezvous - 2000 Rhonda Burchmore That Old Feeling
The Lady With The Torch - 2005 Patti LuPone I'm Through With Love


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