Babes in Arms

Show Details

Richard Rodgers (1284)
Lorenz Hart (597)
Lorenz Hart (597), Richard Rodgers (1284)
Additional Music
Nacio Herb Brown (133), Roger Edens (110)
Additional Lyrics
Roger Edens (110), Arthur Freed (143)
April 14, 1937


Audio Recordings

Babes in Arms - 1989 Concert Cast
Babes in Arms - 1999 New York Concert Cast
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Songs also appear on these recordings (175)

Recording Songs
Ella in Rome: The Birthday Concert - 1958 Ella Fitzgerald The Lady Is a Tramp
Mack the Knife: Ella in Berlin - 1960 Ella Fitzgerald The Lady Is a Tramp
Live At Caesar's Palace - 1974 Diana Ross The Lady Is a Tramp
An Evening At Carnegie Hall - 1996 Betty Buckley Where or When
Live - 2001 Patricia Clark & Adalberto Cevasco Trío My Funny Valentine
Wall To Wall Richard Rodgers - 2002 Concert Cast Johnny One Note, Where or When
Broadway Unplugged 2 - 2005 Concert Cast Where or When
Dolores Gray: Bell Telephone Hour 1959-1965 - 2006 Dolores Gray I Wish I Were in Love Again, My Funny Valentine
Susan Egan Live - 2006 Susan Egan My Funny Valentine
bublé! - 2019 Michael Bublé My Funny Valentine


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