Stats: john & jen > Original Off-Broadway Cast

422 Collectors

No release specified

40: A1D1K, bretbob, broadwaygrobe, CoolRider, cpopham2003, CStrawpunz, Ctiniser, dmichaeld, evitainternational, firenze88, Jason_B, javierring, jaydawg, jpl0827, JReid, kevinddaly, laboheme, Lillie, lilmsliss, lpbway, lukep97, mallardo, maltimmy, martinguerre, marvinsgiddyseizures, mrdannymcqueen, MusicalAlbums, musicalhit, mymusical, Neely, paulad39uk, Pikul, RobWSchneider25, Showtunes, singerunlimited, sondheimhats, sparepart973, testytator, TheDarkMusical, vovsene

Fynsworth Alley 302 062 182 2 (CD)

342: 122a, 123456789a, 4yurisonly, AAACastAlbum, AAAJockBoy, actsingdance, AEB, ajtokarz, AlbertoIsaac, aliciag, al_newman423, amadeusapple87, amerykanka, AMONI, AMP, andmarwaslike, andrevanhest, AndyW, ANewUsernameIsRequired, angustifolio, anotherwinter, ariauo398, ArtfulIke, ashmolean, athespiangirl, auntbeast, azcollector, baine, Bajost, baker_shaker, baumind, BBT, BCAms, beadlebamford, BigBriHaze, billkruckman, BklynCollector, boilermaker, booyaka999, bostonbasset, BranC, BreakaLeg, bredding, brenjaminbarker, bretw, brick, broadway, broadwaybob, broadwayguy2001, burntplains, Bwaydreams01, bwayfreak1994, BwayGuy12, bwayjuvinile, BwayMusicals, bwylvr, cabaretboy, CardinalPirelli, castalbumtrade, cb300, ccaggiano, cdrmusicals, chanteur1981, CharlieAnderson, Christi, Chuckieroy2005, ciao, corey, CraigRhyne, Ctgsjc, cubby95, cutielyricistyahoocom, dancerNate, DanG1991, daniel, DanJoJames, danny10086, DanVel1103, darryljake, DaveShorter, Davisinio, dilapidatedbarns, divarobbie, DizzyMissLizzy, DJBinAZ, docbway, donegal, DontAskDontTrade, dougpeckvoice, dplux, druidiaprada88, dukie54, DustinRothbart, dwillmill2, dwkii, earguy, Eastwickian, EGH, eisenherz, ek, elphabatize, elutt, emagnitude, enekosondheim, epenthesis, EPhillips230, EricNYC, erikrred1, EstebanRiaNido, EstrognBoy, eugdizon, eva, eveliene, Fantine, Fantod, Fay, Flippy59, Fonheim, Fosterdeux, FoundARecord, framboisine, frontrowcentre, fshepinc, gamat, Gaytheaterboy88, gdwlistener, geekgirl06, Geoconno, george_dyer, giddyseizures, Giosue, gnomerangler, goofy108, GordShumALF, GretaAnnegret, GuidoContini, guyintomusicals, handsome25, HectorCoris, hedrock1434, helloagain, HeyMrMusic, Heyoldfriend, hobbes, hot1roddy, hotfootedhenry, Hulk, Humberto_Luna, iachavez, IanGUK, icantbelive1, ihearttequila, ILuvTheaterTrash, irmelin, ivon, Jacob, jasper050, JayP3211, JBSinger, JeanProuvaire, jeisrael, jenashtep, jevans3, jf, jflum, jhershour, Jimmcf, JJ, JMHG, JMulch, Joe, JoeyDa, johnnyangel, jonesy33, Jordito, Joshdukie54, JPme2187, jpyovanoff1973, jreeves, KChenowethfan, kdt628, Ken-R, Kennyboy88, Kerry, Khelben, kiteteraton, lakerfrk, layton, LBathoryTRADES, leobloom169, leonhartes, lesdouga, LidaRose, lightinthepiazza05, lineuphere, Liv4Bway, losingmymind, Lovedatsound, lttlguy8656, luvwicked, lvpblues, makelikeanail, manga, Marcinthedark5, Mark_E, Matador, Matt, MauriceDeltaco, McMizz, MelisandeScott, merrilygal, mikahbeth, mikecs83, Miki, MindyB, minorchord03, Minx_the_Dog, MisterMatt, mochakendoll, Moci, Moncure, mooserevenge, motter3, Mtaz, mtguru11786, MTluvr, munkustrap178, musicaldigger, Musicalfan, MusicalFreak, musicalnut, musicman0976, mylesie, mynameispurpose, nelson, Newsie, nicoleswofford, Nielserling, Nino, node2, NoFear6061, nomad1972, NorbJunior, NormalMyth, NYCNewCds, nydirector, olinde, OrlandoCoaster, ozchiacgo, OzTimbo, PaintNeverDries, patrick, PaulThomas, paysa13, pepspeed, Phylxu, PianoMonkey, piazzaphile, PurpleCow, PurpleCow17, queenie, raiderred, RCKtrades, Recollector, reniand, retiree, rgaywrites, robray, robricant, Rockyfan2000, RyanPBratt, ryngoodale, sallystreisand, SAM, sapsorrow, ScarletSongs, Scintillating19, scoops66622, Scot, Scotbray, scrisp123, Scuffsta, seeonlyme, serge12, seventysevenplus, shawnjsd, Sheridan, shnex, showpeople, showqueen74, ShowQueenNYC, SingingLibrarian, SingOut, skindieboy, slotman55, smezme, sondhead, SONDHEIM, SondheimGeek, songinherwalk, sonkid, soundofmusicals, soymuy25, Sportzfanatic755, stagescreen, Starmiter, Steph, steveatdisney, Sunny, suppy, Svip, TarinMcG, ThatBlackCat, thatmegkid, theaterbear, theaterkid1015, Theatreismylife, thecattwoman, thegabrielgoodman, TheJRockingRCo, TheMerm, thisismyusername, timmg42, ToddWG, todwithoned26, tonyandrosabella, topcatnyc, TopherMusicalGeek, trantersaurusrex, Tresceibas, troubleclef75, txaggieboy, Tyson, umgeoboy, urstan, westendtobroadway, wonderboymj, xaieta, yebsakin, Zachcos, zamenhof, zimmy

Ghostlight Records (Audio File)

16: BwayGuy12, DanVel1103, filmguy78, Flippy59, gabrielebon, HotBroadwayHottie, jflum, katerinai, lauragd, OneDayMore, RickvdBelt, robbyp921, SONDHEIM, theaterbear, txaggieboy, wickedboyy

Varese VSD-5688 (CD)

6: BwayGuy12, emagnitude, Flippy59, musicalman1964TRADES, SONDHEIM, txaggieboy

Varese Sarabande 5688 (CD)

18: anythingmusical, attilamb, babelijucy, baumind, clopin, crmiller, Davisinio, emagnitude, Geoconno, georged555, hitormiss, JosephNYC, misterallen, MusicalesPeru, musictheatrenut, SONDHEIM, TheGeneral1776, txaggieboy


3.8 / 5 (5 votes)

Rated by: Newsie (5), SingingLibrarian (4), emagnitude (4), DizzyMissLizzy (4), bretbob (2)


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