Stats: Starlight Express > Original London Cast

540 Collectors

No release specified

208: 123456789a, 123456a, 1234helloo, 163809a, 171jersey, actsingdance, Aigles, AlbertoIsaac, AloneInSilence, amie118, AMONI, AndyT, ANewUsernameIsRequired, Ashira, athespiangirl, Axel24601, baker_shaker, baumind, beauty_girl, BellePullman, BigBigBill, Birr, bloody-wonder, born2bebroadway, BreakaLeg, brenjaminbarker, Brian, brick, bwayjuvinile, caitiesus1522, CardinalPirelli, caspay3955, ccaggiano, cdrmusicals, chaser, cheme64, Cherubino, CJEscandell, Colloredo, CoolRider, cristianew, Ctgsjc, Ctiniser, ctlwr, dancerNate, davidbrian81, dekos, diablouk, dingdong, DJBinAZ, docbway, donegal, Drh08, ek, electricfreight, eloraculo, emjolras, Enelar, EricNYC, EstrognBoy, evitainternational, fantasmic2000, fmoretti, Forgrins, Fosterdeux, FoundARecord, frejennix, fshepinc, furbystud, Gavroche, Gaytheaterboy88, george_dyer, german, Giosue, GKBklyn74, GretaAnnegret, GuidoContini, hedrock1434, hobbes, Horton, HotBroadwayHottie, hsmrocks, HUNG, iachavez, ILuvTheaterTrash, JAHiFi, javierring, jbb_lkh, JBSinger, JeanProuvaire, jflum, Jimmcf, jimmycurry01, jingle1991, JinxMoon, Joe, JoeyDa, jonesy33, Joule, KaBes, kanderebb, Kellygrape, kelso, Ken-R, Lady_Mozart, lauragd, Lillie, Lovedatsound, lpbway, Ludwig, maltimmy, martinguerre, marty888nyc, mattmann18, md, meg_giry, MelisandeScott, mikadobcn, milady, Minx_the_Dog, mjjared, MLoves2Tradexyz, Moncure, monorail91, motter3, mrdannymcqueen, Mtaz, MTluvr, Musical-Matthew, MusicalAlbums, musicaldude2006, MusicalFreak, musicalnut, musicisliving, mymusical, neko12, NellyLX, nelson, NHAD, Nhad82, Nino, NL, nomellamojavert, nuingiliath, Nutribox, Nuwanda, nydirector, nztheatreluva, olinde, olivia, OneDayMore, PaulicusRex, paulik, Phantom2004, PHANTOM24601, PhantomMedia, PhantomOfTheOpera, philcrosby, PracticallyPerfect, PuchusPrincess, PurpleCow17, pxchar, queenie, randomtapnumber, rbj1967, RCKtrades, repogirl91, ResseKoch, retiree, rgaywrites, Richie248, Rusty25, rytoast1, Saigonchop, sallystreisand, SaltpeterJohn, sansrialto, saxmachine1411, Scintillating19, Scot, Scotbray, shawnjsd, Sheikm, showpeople, Silverstrike, slambo, sondhead, soymuy25, Sparky023, sputnik, stevie1, Sunny, swami, sweedboy, testytator, theaterbear, TheMerm, TheOtherCourse, topcatnyc, umgeoboy, Underture09, upperco, whydoesitmadder, Wicked63, Wildcard, wonderboymj, Zachcos, Zelina

Decca 821597 (2-CD)

129: AAACastAlbum, AAAJockBoy, AEB, AMP, Amy884, andrevanhest, angustifolio, aorin, ariauo398, ArtfulIke, babelijucy, BCAms, billkruckman, bookworm77, bretbob, BwayEnthusiast, BwayMusicals, bwylvr, candymancan, catfishoctopus, cb300, ChipC, chrismexx, ciao, coffinjumper, DanVel1103, Davisinio, DivaD, DizzyMissLizzy, donquixotic, druidiaprada88, earguy, eisenherz, EKtwins, elutt, emagnitude, Erika, eugdizon, Fantine, firenze88, Fonheim, foxman, frauleinmozart, gabeberk, gamat, generoussupply, goofy108, GregoryD, handsome25, Hans, Harris, Hope32, ihearttequila, ilovemusicals, ivon, JamieC, Jason_B, jbutts15, Jerome, JJ, Jo, Joshdukie54, JReid, jsolo22, judasiscariot41, Kerry, koukol, krisnoname, laeintsch, leonhartes, lesdouga, Lora, losingmymind, manga, Marcinthedark5, Matt, Mattbrain, maxfried, mdsch, MindyB, mortifer, Munkus, musicaldigger, musicalfan1999, MusicalMad, musicalsinger, mylesie, MythosEdddy, NellieB, nitro00x, OperetteGhost, PaulThomas, pepspeed, PhantomPhanTors, Phylxu, rafa, raiderred, Recollector, reniand, Rick15, RickvdBelt, rimcat, robbyp921, RobNL, robray, rpfbcn, SAM, Sammas, sapsorrow, scaenaefrons, ScarletSongs, Sebasvb1987, SONDHEIM, sonkid, spiderdj82willtrade, Svip, tescoagogo, ThatBlackCat, thatkidstuieee, thecrazyowl, TheDarkMusical, thegabrielgoodman, TheJRockingRCo, thrwntbtrumpets, Tresceibas, txaggieboy, victimedemavictoire, westendtobroadway, wickedboyy

Polydor 000663702 (2-CD)

77: AllThatMark, amadeusapple87, AMonarch, ariauo398, auntbeast, avenuespamalotofoz, beadlebamford, bretw, bwayfreak1994, BwayGuy12, choitoy, clopin, CraigRhyne, DanG1991, danny10086, Davisinio, DBS, divarobbie, druidiaprada88, dutchsondheimfan, Eastwickian, eisenherz, enekosondheim, equisy, FantasmadaOpera, Fantod, Flippy59, gbrenn01, GoldenPhantom, GuiidoContiinii, Harris, hotfootedhenry, Humberto_Luna, IanGUK, jackson992, jamesfredericks, jasper050, JCinRVA, JMHG, jokeriris, JosephNYC, kategreen83, kdt628, luispo, makelikeanail, me, michaelk, MisterMatt, Moci, MusicalesPeru, MusicalMad, musicalman1964TRADES, musicalpool, musicalsinger, NormalMyth, NYCNewCds, oeteltoet, otbo, parker395, pirellismiracleelixir, pootpassion123, rara2018, Recollector, robbyp921, RyanPBratt, Scarlett3, SONDHEIM, Stirling1983, stu, TenorAlexander, TheatreVaultz, thecattwoman, TheJRockingRCo, titanic1, txaggieboy, TXTyler, WantsToTrade

Only He

Polydor 5DM0193 (45)

5: MusicalMad, robbyp921, Rockyfan2000, SONDHEIM, TheJRockingRCo

Polydor 821597 (CD)

15: Abel, andyp, Archivist, gdwlistener, GuiidoContiinii, hamlet35, hotfootedhenry, husk_charmer, IanGUK, jreeves, Munkus, PhilB, Rockyfan2000, SONDHEIM, WallaceWells

Polydor 821597-2 (2-CD)

52: AndyW, argentinianphan, BklynCollector, boilermaker, bostonbasset, bwayboymx, cabaretboy, chanteur1981, CharlieAnderson, DanJoJames, Davisinio, dianamorales, Diodenes-of-Catania, dwkii, enekosondheim, fengshuihellnyc, frontrowcentre, Geoconno, GuiidoContiinii, hamlet35, Humberto_Luna, JackCooper, jasper050, jeisrael, jmh, kevinddaly, lineuphere, Lloydwebbercollector, lptodisc, luispo, misterallen, MrsChanandler, MusicalesPeru, MusicalMad, OldBrownEars, otbo, phantomphan, pmwxyz, Rockyfan2000, scottjm, SingingLibrarian, smokie25, SONDHEIM, TheGeneral1776, TheJRockingRCo, thisismyusername, txaggieboy, TXTyler, Tyson, vladdy, WRaveau, zoowhami


Polydor LMS 1 (CD)

7: clopin, hotfootedhenry, Lloydwebbercollector, robbyp921, Rockyfan2000, SONDHEIM, TheJRockingRCo

Only He Has The Power to Move Me

Polydor LMS 2 (45)

6: clopin, IanGUK, musicalman1964TRADES, robbyp921, Rockyfan2000, TheJRockingRCo


Polydor LMSX 1 (12" LP Single)

1: Rockyfan2000

I Am The Starlight

Polydor LMSX 3 (45)

4: clopin, Rockyfan2000, SONDHEIM, TheJRockingRCo

Polydor LNER 1 (LP)

25: AndyW, bostonbasset, BruceBlock, CharlieAnderson, Davisinio, dogonfire, floridon, gdwlistener, Geoconno, GuiidoContiinii, jpyovanoff1973, lpbroadway, Michael, MusicalMad, Recollector, robbyp921, Rockyfan2000, SONDHEIM, stagescreen, Stirling1983, stu, TheJRockingRCo, txaggieboy, urstan, wickedfan

Polydor Records (LP)

2: Rockyfan2000, TXTyler

Really Useful 422 821 597-2 (2-CD)

9: Davisinio, gabrielebon, IanGUK, Rodolfo, SONDHEIM, TheDarkMusical, Thenardier, txaggieboy, urstan


3.1 / 5 (9 votes)

Rated by: TXTyler (5), shane54 (4), angustifolio (4), koukol (4), DizzyMissLizzy (4), TenorAlexander (2), vladdy (2), OldBrownEars (2), emagnitude (1)


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