Stats: Nine > Original Broadway Cast

604 Collectors

No release specified

186: 122a, 1234helloo, 163809a, A1D1K, albin3, AllThatMark, ANewUsernameIsRequired, annapiranha, bachsinger, BakersWife, baker_shaker, barnabeee, bdal, bem, best12bars, BklynCollector, bloody-wonder, BreakaLeg, bredding, BustopherPhantom, bwayjuvinile, Caiaphas, candyman82, candymancan, castalbumtrade, castrecording, ccaggiano, cdrmusicals, CJEscandell, Cluefan072588, cmichaelperry, COOOOLkid, cornnuts11, Dan032003, dancerNate, darryljake, dfwtheatreguy, diablouk, DJBinAZ, docbway, donegal, DontAskDontTrade, dougpeckvoice, dplux, dramadude1992, DrewIsNotToast, ek, eloraculo, emjolras, EstebanRiaNido, eugdizon, eva, evitainternational, Fosterdeux, FoundARecord, framboisine, gabespeaklow86, gabrielebon, Gaytheaterboy88, GDW94, GDWest94, geekgirl06, george_dyer, german, Giosue, GKBklyn74, goentertainment, GoodBuddy, GretaAnnegret, Guido-Contini, gynila, hedrock1434, helloagain, Heyoldfriend, hilde, Horton, houseaddict91, HowDoYouDeleteAccounts, HUNG, iachavez, ILuvTheaterTrash, indigomedusa, inonoroff, iroo, iwantubleeders, Jason_B, Jblack, JCinRVA, JeanProuvaire, jf, jflum, Jimmcf, jme82, Joe, jokeriris, JPme2187, jv92, kanderebb, kdowe7321, Ken, laboheme, LBathoryTRADES, lightinthepiazza05, lpbway, Luponatic, lvpblues, maltimmy, martinguerre, marty888nyc, Matador, mattnyc78, MattyB86, MauriceDeltaco, md, MelisandeScott, mikahbeth, milady, MindyB, minorchord03, MinuteMaid, mooserevenge, Mtaz, munkustrap178, MusicalFreak, musicalnut, Musicalpietje, musictheatrenut, mymusical, Nino, nuingiliath, NYCMusicalGuy, nydirector, olinde, ozchiacgo, philcrosby, piazzaphile, pinxie, Pittnaucza, plainchant, qolbinau, Quartzquiz, RCKtrades, retiree, rgaywrites, RickvdBelt, rimcat, robertian, robray, RobWSchneider25, Roryseber, rostorart, sallystreisand, SaltpeterJohn, saltypringl, saxmachine1411, scarpent1963, Scot, Scotbray, Scuffsta, shnex, showprince, SilverRoger, SingOut, sistercolumbia, slotman55, smezme, sondhead, SondheimGeek, soymuy25, Sparky023, Spider11415, StageMusicFan, Stormecho, suppy, testytator, topcatnyc, tylerjbway, Underture09, upperco, vovsene, wbmac, whippetphan, Wicked63, wonderboymj, wyou17, zamenhof

CBS 25098 (LP)

2: rhfan, SONDHEIM

CBS 450971 1 (LP)

9: Diodenes-of-Catania, NotSinceCarrie, olivia, Ozzieboy, Recollector, SONDHEIM, stu, TheJRockingRCo, zoowhami

CBS Masterworks CK 38325 (CD)

93: AAAJockBoy, actsingdance, aexum27, AlbertoIsaac, AMONI, AndyW, angustifolio, anythingmusical, Archivist, argentinianphan, astraplain, barsros, BCAms, BDrischBDemented, bostonbasset, brick, BroadwayGuy, BwayGuy12, bwylvr, cb300, CharlieAnderson, chaser, Ctiniser, Dan185, DanJoJames, DannyBoy, Demoneyeskyo87, dianamorales, divarobbie, dmichaeld, floridon, foxman, frontrowcentre, fshepinc, gamat, gdwlistener, Geoconno, GuidoContini, hamlet35, handsome25, Harris, HotBroadwayHottie, hotfootedhenry, IanGUK, ihearttequila, jamesa, jasper050, jordiandnorma, jreeves, kdt628, lineuphere, Lloydwebbercollector, lptodisc, luispo, Marcinthedark5, mckeldinb, misterallen, MLoves2Tradexyz, MusicalesPeru, MythosEdddy, NHAD, noknic, olivia, PaulThomas, pepspeed, Phylxu, Recollector, rhfan, RobertR, Rockyfan2000, rpfbcn, SAM, scrammit, ShowQueenNYC, SLOTHlevine, SONDHEIM, stagescreen, stepintime789, Svip, swami, tele6171, theaterbear, TheJRockingRCo, TheMerm, thisismyusername, ToddWG, TopherMusicalGeek, trantersaurusrex, TXTyler, urstan, vladdy, WickedHanschen, xaieta

Columbia JS 38325 (LP)

34: AMonarch, AndyW, ashmolean, auldlangsyne, barsros, bostonbasset, BruceBlock, CharlieAnderson, DannyBoy, Deester, dogonfire, frontrowcentre, gdwlistener, Geoconno, jose, kevinddaly, lptodisc, michaelalan576, MilwJeff, MrEgerman, pennybankbill, Recollector, RenzoRienzi, Rockyfan2000, Rodolfo, Scintillating19, SFRed, SONDHEIM, stagescreen, TheJRockingRCo, TheMerm, todwithoned26, TomSD, trantersaurusrex

Columbia JST 38325 (Cassette)

14: Barry, barsros, bostonbasset, frontrowcentre, gdwlistener, Geoconno, hamlet35, hobbes, lptodisc, Recollector, RenzoRienzi, SONDHEIM, TheMerm, vladdy

Columbia PC38325 (LP)

2: rdimucci, SONDHEIM

Masterworks Broadway 88697 59183-2 (2-CD)

27: andyp, ariauo398, ashmolean, CharlieAnderson, danny10086, Derick-J-Smith, eisenherz, filmguy78, fshepinc, HectorCoris, HotBroadwayHottie, IndyMaestro, jamesfredericks, JMHG, Khelben, MrEgerman, musicalman1964TRADES, NYCNewCds, raiderred, rbj1967, robbyp921, robricant, ScarletSongs, SONDHEIM, stu, TheJRockingRCo, Zelina

Sony S2K 86858 (2-CD)

237: 2manydvds, AAACastAlbum, AAAJockBoy, acassesetrades, ActTwo, Almaviva, amadeusapple87, amerykanka, AMonarch, andrevanhest, AndyW, angelofmusic, aorin, Archivist, ariauo398, ArtfulIke, ArthurLatimer, ashmolean, auntbeast, azcollector, babelijucy, Barry, barsros, BDrischBDemented, Bedivere, billkruckman, bleedernumber1, BLT24601, boilermaker, booyaka999, bostonbasset, BranC, brenjaminbarker, BrianAllan, BroadwayGuy, BwayMusicals, bwylvr, cabaretboy, CardinalPirelli, chanteur1981, CharisM, Cherubino, ChipC, choitoy, chrismexx, ciao, clopin, Computerwhiz92, Coopie, CraigRhyne, Dan185, DanG1991, daniel, DannyBoy, DanVel1103, Davisinio, Deester, Demoneyeskyo87, Diodenes-of-Catania, discuscd, divarobbie, DizzyMissLizzy, donquixotic, druidiaprada88, dukie54, DustinRothbart, dutchsondheimfan, dwkii, earguy, Eastwickian, EddieHyde, ednatracywilbur23, eggplantq, EKtwins, elutt, emagnitude, enekosondheim, epenthesis, EricMontreal22, Fantine, Fantod, firenze88, FirstObserver, Flaemmchen, Flippy59, floridon, Fonheim, frontrowcentre, fshepinc, gamat, gdwlistener, Geoconno, georged555, GordShumALF, GregoryD, GuidoContini, GuiidoContiinii, hamlet35, handsome25, HaroldArlen, Harris, HectorCoris, Heyoldfriend, hitormiss, hobbes, Hulk, Humberto_Luna, husk_charmer, iamaldolpho, IanGUK, ivare, ivon, JackCooper, JamieC, jas4112, jasper050, Jayar, Jerome, JJ, JMulch, Jo, JoeyDa, joeyjoe, JosephNYC, Joshdukie54, Ken-R, Kerry, kevinddaly, Kosoun, koukol, laeintsch, lakerfrk, LargoProductions, leonhartes, lesdouga, Lillie, losingmymind, Lovedatsound, lpldl, luispo, Marcinthedark5, MarcosCohen, Matt, Mattbrain, maxfried, mckeldinb, mdsch, me, Minx_the_Dog, misterallen, MisterMatt, Moci, Moncure, mrmattlansburyaolcom, MusicalAlbums, musicaldigger, MusicalesPeru, musicalfan1999, musicalhit, musicman0976, nelson, nicoleswofford, nomad89, NormalMyth, OldBrownEars, OldieMusicMan, oscarjaffe, pepspeed, phantomphan, PhantomPhanTors, pmwxyz, PracticallyPerfect, PurpleCow17, rafa, Recollector, reniand, RobertR, Rockyfan2000, Rodolfo, rpfbcn, Rusty25, RyanPBratt, Sabes17, Sammas, sampm, SantEsprz, sapsorrow, ScarletSongs, Scintillating19, scrammit, scrisp123, sebas17, serge12, SFRed, showqueen74, Showtunes, SingingLibrarian, SmoothTonguedLibertine, solstrom, SONDHEIM, SondheimSundays, Sound-of-musicals, stagescreen, Stirling1983, strelimyn, SurabayaSeany, Svip, TenorAlexander, thatkidstuieee, thatmegkid, ThatMusicalGuy, Theatreismylife, theatrepianoplayer, TheatreVaultz, TheDarkMusical, thegabrielgoodman, TheGeneral1776, TheJRockingRCo, TheMerm, thrwntbtrumpets, timmg42, titanic1, TK421, TobytheHobbit, tonyandrosabella, TotheLastShot, trantersaurusrex, Tresceibas, txaggieboy, TXTyler, Tyson, urstan, VictorVonDoom, vladdy, WallaceWells, westendtobroadway, yebsakin


4.4 / 5 (13 votes)

Rated by: TXTyler (5), mckeldinb (5), emagnitude (5), annapiranha (5), robricant (5), DizzyMissLizzy (5), vladdy (5), OldBrownEars (5), lpldl (5), rdimucci (4), angustifolio (3), TenorAlexander (3), koukol (2)



Submitted by: hitormiss on 2006-01-01

Corrections contributed by: Rodolfo (2), BroadwayGuy

Release CBS 25098 (LP)

Submitted by: rhfan on 2010-02-07

Release CBS 450971 1 (LP)

Submitted by: NotSinceCarrie on 2007-11-11

Images contributed by: NotSinceCarrie

Release CBS Masterworks CK 38325 (CD)

Submitted by: hitormiss

Images contributed by: Svip (2), hitormiss

Corrections contributed by: rhfan

Release Columbia JS 38325 (LP)

Submitted by: UMarchives on 2007-05-10

Images contributed by: Deester

Release Columbia JST 38325 (Cassette)

Submitted by: frontrowcentre on 2007-05-27

Images contributed by: lptodisc

Release Columbia PC38325 (LP)

Submitted by: rdimucci on 2010-02-22

Images contributed by: rdimucci

Release Masterworks Broadway 88697 59183-2 (2-CD)

Submitted by: hitormiss on 2009-09-27

Images contributed by: hitormiss

Release Sony S2K 86858 (2-CD)

Submitted by: hitormiss

Images contributed by: hitormiss

Tracks indexed by: hitormiss on 2010-02-07

Corrections contributed by: Rodolfo

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