Stats: Legally Blonde > Original Broadway Cast

915 Collectors

No release specified

221: 1234helloo, 4yurisonly, adidush888, ageeare, Aigles, ajtokarz, AMONI, andmarwaslike, annakwan78, ariuao, athespiangirl, aveman95, BakersWife, baroqueen, Bedivere, Birr, blainecriss, bloody-wonder, born2bebroadway, bound4bway, Brae, BranC, bredding, brenjaminbarker, brettnexx, broadwaygrobe, bwayfreak1994, bwayjuvinile, cal1801, candymancan, Cary, CdnOracle, chantalef, chrismexx, CJEscandell, cloche1482, cmsr, CNGarcia, CoolRider, courtneykup, cpopham2003, Ctgsjc, Dan032003, DanielleMusic7, dbustamante, diablouk, dilapidatedbarns, DisneyDork93, DJBinAZ, donegal, dramadude04, EGH, eloraculo, Elphaba1994, elphie, emjolras, Epcot99, eugdizon, eveliene, Fanny, FoundARecord, frejennix, fungus_mctoadstool, gabrielebon, geekgirl06, george_dyer, german, ghowell111301, gleek4114, gocards, greenteagirl, GretaAnnegret, Guido-Contini, hekiblue, Heyoldfriend, hilde, Horton, hyperactress23, igotlife, ILuvTheaterTrash, inonoroff, isis821, Jason_B, JayP3211, jcohen24, jevans3, jf, jingle1991, JoepHupperetz, jokeriris, jonesy33, Joriss, JPme2187, KaBes, kapppz, Ken, Ken-R, Kennyboy88, kerrisayshi, kisstodaygoodbye, klmcln, KMWeaver87, Kosoun, laboheme, Lady_Mozart, lakukaracza, Lando, LandonWalliser, LebNochEinmal, leobloom169, LexandDanny, Lillie, lilmsliss, Liv4Bway, lizzz11034, lpbway, lukep97, LyricalExperiments, maltimmy, manilamusicalmaniac, Mark_E, marly, martinguerre, mattrob, MattTheHuman, MattyB86, MCfanatic1992, md, melliemd, merrilygal, Minimum, minorchord03, Mistaaa, mizzguidedgal, mllirf57, mochakendoll, mrmusical, MrsHyde, MusicalFreak, musicalpool, Neely, NellyLX, neverland, NHAD, Nicole, Nielserling, NikNik24, Noerd, Norina, notoobright, olinde, OzTimbo, paintinglilies, parker395, pianolin717, Pikul, pitorchestalvr, Pittnaucza, plainchant, Poes010288, pokethehokie, pootpassion123, qolbinau, r3j464, randomtapnumber, repogirl91, ResseKoch, retiree, robray, RobWSchneider25, SaltpeterJohn, santa_evita, SantEsprz, Scintillating19, scoops66622, shawnjsd, sheeshee, Sheikm, showqueen74, SingOut, smezme, sockie, SoMuchBetter44, sondheimhats, Sondheimite, sonkid, SpeakLowMrWeill, sputnik, spyk_, squiddy321, StarsAndBread, Stormecho, stuartf98, Stupidlolita, swami, tanzber, testytator, ThatBlackCat, thatspazchicken, TheaterNerdBrandi, theatrefan, theatrepianoplayer, thiagofontin, throbb33, Trish, troubleclef75, TTEC, Underture09, upperco, via, vovsene, WallaceWells, whippetphan, WickedFeak69, wishiwerehere, Yamita, yourwound, ZacaryC, Zachcos, zamenhof, zoowhami

Ghostlight Records 84423 (CD)

600: 122a, 13aja13, 1rocknroll2many, 2manydvds, AAACastAlbum, AAAJockBoy, Abel, acassesetrades, actsingdance, AHicka, aidan, AlbertoIsaac, albin3, Albus, aliciag, Allison, allisonk, AllThatMark, amadeusapple87, amerykanka, amie118, AMP, anabarbara, andrevanhest, AndyT, AndyW, ANewUsernameIsRequired, angelito23, angelofmusic, angustifolio, AnotherNationalAnthem, anythingmusical, Archivist, ariauo398, ArtfulIke, auntbeast, AuntieEm2, azcollector, babelijucy, babiaffonso, Bajost, baker_shaker, bananabasket, barnabeee, barsros, BBT, BCAms, BDavis0092, BDrischBDemented, beadlebamford, bem, BigBigBill, BigBriHaze, billkruckman, BklynCollector, bleedernumber1, BLT24601, boilermaker, bolerodamore, bookworm77, bostonbasset, BreakaLeg, bretw, brick, brittlesmile, broadwaybelter, broadwaykrazy, BtMartin25, BwayEnthusiast, BwayGuy12, BwayMusicals, bwylvr, caitiesus1522, CardinalPirelli, cartoncho, Cassiopeia, castalbumtrade, cb300, ccaggiano, cdrmusicals, CharlieAnderson, Chas97, chaser, cheme64, Cherubino, ChipC, choitoy, Chuckieroy2005, ciao, Clala, coffinjumper, Computerwhiz92, COOOOLkid, corey, cornersofmind, courtm, courtnyj, crawley, cremi, cristianew, crmiller, CStrawpunz, Ctiniser, ctlwr, cubby95, cutielyricistyahoocom, Cycospaz2, dancerNate, dancingmarsbars, dancnqn5, DanG1991, daniellermusic7, DanJoJames, danny10086, DannyBoy, DanVel1103, Danya, darryljake, Dave, DaveShorter, DavidLaMarr, Davisinio, DBS, DCF15, dcolew, DDD, Deester, DeeZeno, defyingravity11, dekos, Denton, descott2, DexterFortune, dgmc440, dianamorales, Digitalmozart, dingdong, Diodenes-of-Catania, Disa, discuscd, divarobbie, DizzyMissLizzy, dmichaeld, dncr4life, docbway, donnacav, donquixotic, DontAskDontTrade, dontdosadness, DorianMode, doverkj, dramadude1992, Dreamore, Drh08, DrSarcasmo, druidiaprada88, dukie54, DustinRothbart, dwillmill2, dwkii, Eastwickian, EddieHyde, eggplantq, eisenherz, ek, EKtwins, Elke, Elphaba, elphabatize, elutt, emagnitude, enekosondheim, equisy, EralkFang, Erika, erikrred1, EstebanRiaNido, EstrognBoy, euphorianger, evergreen, evitainternational, fabala194, FabMex, fadedlives, FantasmadaOpera, Fantine, Fantod, Fay, fervidwhirl, filmguy78, filmscoreman, finishedhat, firenze88, Fitzy, Flippy59, floridon, Fosterdeux, franci335, frankanalysis, frauleinmozart, frontrowcentre, fshepinc, furbystud, gabespeaklow86, gamat, Gaveston, Gaytheaterboy88, gbrenn01, gdwlistener, generoussupply, Geoconno, georged555, gertrudej21, giddyseizures, GoldenPhantom, goldenstate5, goofy108, GordShumALF, grease26, GreenElixir, GregoryD, GuessIAteThem, GuidoContini, GuiidoContiinii, gutestun, h6p8gv, hamlet35, handsome25, Hans, Harkaway, harvle, hereiam75, HeyMrMusic, hitormiss, hobbes, honeyisland, Hope, Hope32, hot1roddy, HotBroadwayHottie, hotfootedhenry, hsmrocks, Hulk, Humberto_Luna, husk_charmer, IanGUK, icantbelive1, ihearttequila, ilovemusicals, ilse, IndyMaestro, IntoTheWords, irmelin, IronHyde, itsphoebers, ivon, JackCooper, jackson992, jamesfredericks, jasper050, javierring, jbb_lkh, jbutts15, jenashtep, Jerome, jflum, JJ, jlm96um, jme82, JMHG, jmp, JMulch, Joe, JoeyDa, joostvdaa, JOrr92, Jory, JosephNYC, Joshdukie54, JoukesorgineleCDs, JReid, jsolo22, JSorgineel, judasiscariot41, Julia, KAL, kanderebb, Katelyn, katerinai, KChenowethfan, kdt628, kelso, Kerry, kevinddaly, killerelphie10, kissyt1010, kiteteraton, kittensandwich, koukol, krisnoname, kudelicek, kylie2001, laeintsch, lakerfrk, laladuts, Lana, LargoProductions, Lasay279, lauragd, layton, LBathoryTRADES, LeaGirl, leftik, LEGGI, lemmie581, leonhartes, LeoVonKrolock, lesdouga, lfae, libradude, lightinthepiazza05, lineuphere, littlemsnattie, littlestar72589, liza66, lome, lonwes, lookingatthings, Lora, losingmymind, Lovedatsound, lovegwen30643, lptodisc, lttlguy8656, luispo, luvwicked, lvpblues, M229929, makelikeanail, MakeSomeoneHappy, mallardo, manga, manion29, manndreas, Marcinthedark5, MarcosCohen, Mari, mariodelagarza, mariodelagza, marty888nyc, masque, Matt, Mattbrain, mattmann18, mauriposa, McMizz, mdsch, meg_giry, MelisandeScott, michael1980, michaelk, midnightisclose, mikadobcn, mikahbeth, mikecs83, MikeTeaVea, Mil10042, milady, MindyB, MinuteMaid, Minx_the_Dog, Miranda, MissHyde, misterallen, MisterMatt, MLoves2Tradexyz, Moci, MommaElla, mooserevenge, motter3, MrBungee93, mrdannymcqueen, MrEgerman, mrmattlansburyaolcom, MrsChanandler, MrTandMrsL, Mtaz, mtdizzle94, MTluvr, MusicalAlbums, MusicalesPeru, musicalesrandom, Musicalfan, musicalfan1999, musicalhit, MusicalMad, musicalnut, Musicalpietje, musicisliving, musicman0976, mylesie, mymusical, MythosEdddy, Nathan, neekah144, neko12, NellieB, nelson, neonlights, NevermindANymore, Newsie, nicoleswofford, Nikki, Nino, NLS, NoFear6061, NorbJunior, nowgoesquickly, nuingiliath, Nutribox, Nuwanda, NYCNewCds, nydirector, ObanTM, OldBrownEars, olitwist, OneDayMore, OneYearMore, OperetteGhost, OrlandoCoaster, otbo, outdamnwench, overthemoo, PaintNeverDries, paperfantasy, patrick, paulik, pauljcook, PaulThomas, pekas2, PennyLane25, pepspeed, perfectliar, petcow101, PeterPanfan, PhantomOfTheOpera, PhantomPhanTors, PhilB, philcrosby, Phylxu, Pianist391, pirellismiracleelixir, planetamusical, pnu, PracticallyPerfect, PurpleCow, PurpleCow17, Quartzquiz, queenie, quest, RachaelForbes, Raev, rafa, raiderred, rainbow12334444mkeat, RainbowJude, rara2018, rbj1967, RCKtrades, Rebecca, Recollector, Rekidk, reniand, rgaywrites, RickvdBelt, rimcat, rkoshar, robertian, RobertR, RobNL, Rockyfan2000, Rodolfo, roseaddams, rpfbcn, RuePlumet55, Rusty25, RyanPBratt, ryngoodale, rytoast1, Sabes17, salance, sallystreisand, SAM, Sammas, sapsorrow, ScarletSongs, Scarlett3, scotsman91, scottjm, scrisp123, searchtheairwaves, sebas17, Sebas17sOriginals, Sebasvb1987, seeonlyme, serge12, shadypinesma, shockheadedpeter, ShowQueenNYC, sidneybruhl, simplykatie, singerunlimited, SingingLibrarian, singmysong698, SitDither, sithalcuin, skindieboy, Skittles, skywalker, SLOTHlevine, slotman55, solly2, solstrom, SONDHEIM, SondheimSundays, soundofmusicals, soymuy25, sparepart973, Splendoris, squiggly678, st0rm, stageguy99, stagescreen, stepintime789, Stirling1983, strelimyn, stu, Sunny, suppy, Svip, T0rn3ss, Tabbie, TarinMcG, tchoupitoula, tcroner, Telly, TenorAlexander, thatkidstuieee, thatmegkid, theaterbear, theatredork, theatreislove25, TheatreVaultz, thebohoproducer, TheBrad, thecattwoman, thechorusgirl, thegabrielgoodman, TheGeneral1776, TheJRockingRCo, thelivesofme, TheMerm, TheOtherCourse, ThespianAtHeart, thrwntbtrumpets, titanic1, TobytheHobbit, ToddWG, todwithoned26, tonyandrosabella, topcatnyc, TopherMusicalGeek, TotheLastShot, trantersaurusrex, Tresceibas, TriNguyen12, TrustMySoul, txaggieboy, Tyson, undinisis, urayasu10, urstan, VanDeKamp1313, victimedemavictoire, vladdy, wellthen, westendtobroadway, whispy, whydoesitmadder, wickedboyy, wickedelphie21, Wildcard, wolvescub, wotchermusicals, WRaveau, xMarie, yebsakin, zakadika

Sh-K-Boom / Ghostlight Records (CD)

96: AEB, allisonk, amerykanka, AndyW, angelclaud, angelofmusical, Archivist, ashmolean, auntbeast, Bajost, BDrischBDemented, billkruckman, brick, broadwaybcn, BwayGuy12, BwayMusicals, CardinalPirelli, CharlieAnderson, ciao, dancerNate, danny10086, DanVel1103, Davisinio, Demoneyeskyo87, dmichaeld, DontAskDontTrade, dramadude1992, Drh08, dukie54, dutchsondheimfan, earguy, Eastwickian, elutt, eponine, evitainternational, filmscoreman, Flaemmchen, Flippy59, Fonheim, franci335, frauk, gdwlistener, generoussupply, Geoconno, glinda, GordShumALF, hamlet35, hitormiss, HotBroadwayHottie, Humberto_Luna, IanGUK, Iceman, jasper050, jflum, JJ, Jo, Jordito, kudelicek, lauragd, leight79, losingmymind, Lovedatsound, luvwicked, MindyB, misterallen, MisterMatt, MorenoBallerino, mthdrummer, musicaldigger, MusicalesPeru, musicalhit, musicisliving, neonlights, Nino, NoFear6061, NormalMyth, outdamnwench, Paco-Castelan, Recollector, Rockyfan2000, RyanPBratt, Sabes17, ScarletSongs, SONDHEIM, sparepart973, stuartjames, Svip, theatrestu, TheDarkMusical, thegabrielgoodman, TheJRockingRCo, thisismyusername, urstan, xaieta, XarlieMoreno, yebsakin


4.1 / 5 (20 votes)

Rated by: emagnitude (5), shane54 (5), qolbinau (5), Tabbie (5), jingle1991 (5), koukol (5), DizzyMissLizzy (5), vladdy (5), MythosEdddy (5), hitormiss (4), Telly (4), MarkusSteinsland (4), Newsie (4), donnacav (4), neonlights (3), TenorAlexander (3), kerrisayshi (3), rara2018 (3), txaggieboy (2), MikeTeaVea (2)



Submitted by: hitormiss on 2007-04-30

Corrections contributed by: Rodolfo (3), equisy, zoowhami, shane54

Release Ghostlight Records 84423 (CD)

Submitted by: hitormiss on 2007-04-30

Images contributed by: hitormiss, ciao, APTM

Tracks indexed by: hitormiss on 2007-04-30

Corrections contributed by: losingmymind (2), DanG1991

Release Sh-K-Boom / Ghostlight Records (CD)

Submitted by: luvwicked on 2008-05-17

Images contributed by: shane54

Tracks indexed by: losingmymind on 2017-07-09

Corrections contributed by: losingmymind (3), DanG1991, dlh

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