312 Collectors

No release specified

123: 123456789a, actsingdance, albin3, Albus, AMONI, Bajost, BigBigBill, bloody-wonder, BreakaLeg, bredding, Bwaydreams01, bwayjuvinile, candyman82, castalbumtrade, ccaggiano, CJEscandell, cmichaelperry, colbster, Ctgsjc, darryljake, Disa, djvinylmaster, donegal, dougpeckvoice, DrewIsNotToast, ediecupcake, ek, ElvisPretzle, EstebanRiaNido, eugdizon, evitainternational, Fantod, filmguy78, firenze88, george_dyer, german, Giosue, GoodBuddy, GuidoContini, guyintomusicals, helloagain, iachavez, ILuvTheaterTrash, indigomedusa, irmelin, iroo, Jason_B, JeanProuvaire, jenashtep, jf, jflum, jimea, Jimmy, Joe, jrallman, KaBes, Kareneliz, KChenowethfan, kdt628, Ken-R, KiraMGJ, laboheme, LadyVonGroovy, lightinthepiazza05, Lillie, Lovedatsound, lvpblues, MelisandeScott, merrilygal, milady, MindyB, MinuteMaid, Minx_the_Dog, Moncure, Mtaz, mthdrummer, munkustrap178, MusicalFreak, musicalnut, muteant2, mynameispurpose, NL, nydirector, philcrosby, piazzaphile, plainchant, Poes010288, queenie, rdimucci, retiree, RickvdBelt, RobWSchneider25, sallystreisand, SarahB, saxmachine1411, Scintillating19, Scot, Scotbray, shawnjsd, shnex, showprince, ShowQueenNYC, Showtunes, SilverRoger, slotman55, sondhead, SondheimGeek, soundguy, SpeakLowMrWeill, steveatdisney, Stormecho, TarinMcG, testytator, tonyandrosabella, topcatnyc, TopherMusicalGeek, Trampyre, trantersaurusrex, troubleclef75, vovsene, Wicked63, wonderboymj, Zelina

CBS 66207 (2-LP)

12: AndyW, ashmolean, bostonbasset, Davisinio, Jerome, Joshdukie54, NotSinceCarrie, RCKtrades, Recollector, rhfan, SONDHEIM, stagescreen

Columbia CG 40817 (2-LP)

3: Davisinio, MrEgerman, SONDHEIM

Columbia CGK-40817 (CD)

28: andrevanhest, Archivist, ArtfulIke, Babalu24, bostonbasset, bretw, BwayMusicals, bwylvr, DannyBoy, Davisinio, divarobbie, eggplantq, EKtwins, frontrowcentre, fshepinc, gamat, hamlet35, IanGUK, jasper050, lptodisc, maxfried, MisterMatt, Recollector, SONDHEIM, soundofmusicals, tele6171, TheJRockingRCo, TomSD

Columbia D2S 779 (2-LP)

11: BruceBlock, CharlieAnderson, Davisinio, floridon, frontrowcentre, Geoconno, jose, kevinddaly, RenzoRienzi, SONDHEIM, TheJRockingRCo

Sony SK 89998 (CD)

135: 122a, 13aja13, 2manydvds, 4yurisonly, AAAJockBoy, AEB, andrevanhest, AndyW, auntbeast, azcollector, Babalu24, BCAms, billkruckman, BklynCollector, BLT24601, boilermaker, bookworm77, bostonbasset, brick, BroadwayGuy, burlyblueonion, BwayGuy12, CardinalPirelli, chaser, ChipC, choitoy, chrismexx, ciao, CraigRhyne, Ctiniser, Dan185, dancerNate, dancl94, DanG1991, daniel, Davisinio, dianamorales, dingdong, Diodenes-of-Catania, discuscd, DizzyMissLizzy, dmichaeld, dplux, earguy, eisenherz, elutt, emagnitude, enekosondheim, epenthesis, Erika, Flippy59, Fonheim, Fosterdeux, frontrowcentre, fshepinc, gamat, Geoconno, Harkaway, HectorCoris, hotfootedhenry, Hulk, IanGUK, IndyMaestro, jamesa, jamesfredericks, jbutts15, JJ, JMHG, joeyjoe, Kerry, kevinddaly, Khelben, leight79, lesdouga, lineuphere, losingmymind, luispo, Marcinthedark5, Matt, mattmann18, MauriceDeltaco, mckeldinb, mdsch, MissHyde, misterallen, MrEgerman, musicaldigger, MusicalesPeru, musicalfan1999, musicalman1964TRADES, mvl, MythosEdddy, NellieB, noknic, NYCNewCds, OldieMusicMan, phantomphan, Phylxu, pmwxyz, Quartzquiz, raiderred, Recollector, RenzoRienzi, rimcat, robbyp921, robray, robricant, Rockyfan2000, Rodolfo, rpfbcn, RyanPBratt, ScarletSongs, showqueen74, solstrom, SONDHEIM, sonkid, starryandstormy, SurabayaSeany, Tabbie, ThatBlackCat, theatrepianoplayer, TheGeneral1776, TheJRockingRCo, TheMerm, Thenardier, tiowill, titanic1, ToddWG, Tresceibas, txaggieboy, Tyson, urstan, vladdy, westendtobroadway, zamenhof


4.5 / 5 (6 votes)

Rated by: mckeldinb (5), showqueen74 (5), robricant (5), vladdy (5), emagnitude (4), MythosEdddy (3)



Submitted by: hitormiss on 2006-01-01

Release CBS 66207 (2-LP)

Submitted by: NotSinceCarrie on 2007-11-09

Images contributed by: AndyW

Release Columbia CG 40817 (2-LP)

Submitted by: MrEgerman on 2015-06-27

Release Columbia CGK-40817 (CD)

Submitted by: hitormiss

Images contributed by: hitormiss

Release Columbia D2S 779 (2-LP)

Submitted by: frontrowcentre on 2007-04-30

Release Sony SK 89998 (CD)

Submitted by: hitormiss

Images contributed by: hitormiss

Tracks indexed by: hitormiss on 2007-03-15

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