Stats: Godspell > Original London Cast

150 Collectors

No release specified

6: evitainternational, Giana, KaBes, musicalhit, NoFear6061, retiree

Bell 203 (LP)

120: 122a, AHicka, AMONI, AndyW, ashmolean, Bajost, billkruckman, blahblah, bloody-wonder, bostonbasset, BranC, BreakaLeg, bretw, brick, BwayMusicals, Caiaphas, CardinalPirelli, cartoncho, CharlieAnderson, chaser, coleccionista, CStrawpunz, dancerNate, Davisinio, Deester, dianamorales, Diodenes-of-Catania, directorev, DizzyMissLizzy, DJBinAZ, Drh08, earguy, eloraculo, elutt, emagnitude, enekosondheim, fantasmic2000, firenze88, Flippy59, floridon, Forgrins, Fosterdeux, foxman, Fruitexplosion, fshepinc, gabrielebon, Geoconno, hobbes, Horton, Humberto_Luna, IanGUK, irmelin, iroo, jasper050, javierring, jf, jjracoon1, Ken, kevinddaly, lesdouga, Lovedatsound, maltimmy, Marcinthedark5, mastromjm, Mattbrain, mckeldinb, MindyB, misterallen, Moncure, Mtaz, musicaldude2006, MusicalesPeru, MusicalFreak, MusicalLady, musical_babylon, Nutribox, NYCNewCds, nydirector, olinde, paulad39uk, PaulThomas, petcow101, PhantomPhanTors, Pittnaucza, Recollector, rhfan, robbyp921, Rockyfan2000, ross, Rusty25, sallystreisand, sampm, Saricho, scoops66622, scullow, SFRed, showqueen74, Silverstrike, sloanpeters, SmoothTonguedLibertine, SONDHEIM, Spectropluto, spomyjaski5, sputnik, Stormecho, Superstar, tele6171, testytator, thatkidstuieee, theaterbear, TheatreVaultz, thecrazyowl, TheJRockingRCo, TheMerm, thisismyusername, tiowill, txaggieboy, upperco, yebsakin, zeldafaybaker

Greyscale (CD)

24: AndyW, auntbeast, azcollector, bretw, BwayGuy12, chaser, ciao, dukie54, fshepinc, Geoconno, GuidoContini, IanGUK, JJ, JosephNYC, losingmymind, MisterMatt, Moci, Recollector, Rockyfan2000, SingingLibrarian, SONDHEIM, Stirling1983, TXTyler, vladdy


4.3 / 5 (3 votes)

Rated by: CarlosinDL (5), mckeldinb (4), emagnitude (4)



Submitted by: hitormiss on 2006-01-01

Release Bell 203 (LP)

Submitted by: hitormiss

Images contributed by: Deester (2), sloanpeters, hitormiss

Release Greyscale (CD)

Submitted by: BroadwayGuy on 2019-05-16

Images contributed by: TXTyler (4)

Tracks indexed by: losingmymind on 2020-03-20

Corrections contributed by: JosephNYC, losingmymind

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