Stats: Chicago > London Cast

593 Collectors

No release specified

288: 123456a, 163809a, A1D1K, Abel, actsingdance, akell19, AlbertoIsaac, albin3, Albus, alemartini74-I-TRADE, AlePorta, Alexc, al_newman423, Amanda, andyjfx, andyp, ANewUsernameIsRequired, Ashira, athespiangirl, AureliaKamille, awakening07, Axel24601, babelijucy, Bajost, barnabeee, baumind, beauty_girl, BellePullman, bloody-wonder, BreakaLeg, brenjaminbarker, BrianAllan, buenvlad, bwayboymx, bwayjuvinile, CardinalPirelli, Cary, castalbumtrade, castrecording, ccaggiano, cdrmusicals, CharityH0pe, Cherubino, Christi, CJEscandell, claquesette, Colloredo, CoolRider, COOOOLkid, courtney, cremi, cristianew, Ctgsjc, ctlwr, Dan032003, dancl94, Danke, darryljake, Denton, dfwtheatreguy, diablouk, directorev, divarobbie, DJBinAZ, djwoh, donegal, Dorabella82, dougpeckvoice, DougSA, ek, eloraculo, ElTenorio, emjolras, EPhillips230, erikrred1, EstrognBoy, eugdizon, evergreen, evitainternational, fantasmic, fantasmic2000, Fantine, Fantod, finlee, firenze88, fjuk, Fosterdeux, furbystud, gabespeaklow86, gabrielebon, Gavroche, gbedigan, george_dyer, german, ghowell111301, Giosue, gocards, GoodBuddy, GretaAnnegret, GuidoContini, hobbes, Horton, HUNG, iachavez, icantbelive1, icarus247, ILuvTheaterTrash, incostapedial, IndyMaestro, inonoroff, irmelin, iroo, jackson992, JAHiFi, JamesBabcock, javierring, Jblack, JeanProuvaire, jeisrael, jf, jflum, Jimmcf, JimmyB713, jingle1991, Joe, jonesy33, Jordito, jpl0827, JPme2187, JReid, Juan, julesxox3, julienjolras, KaBes, kanderebb, kategreen83, Ken-R, kevinddaly, Khelben, Kimblain, Kosoun, KyleB, laboheme, lightinthepiazza05, Lillie, Liv4Bway, lome, Lovedatsound, lpbway, lukep97, luvwicked, lvpblues, M229929, madeinoz, makelikeanail, maltimmy, manndreas, marianobon, marly, martinguerre, Mattbrain, mattrob, MattyB86, MAYQ, McMizz, md, meg_giry, MelisandeScott, Mephisto, michaelalan576, mikadobcn, mikep30, Mil10042, MindyB, Minx_the_Dog, mirandajrs, mjjared, MLoves2Tradexyz, Moncure, motter3, mrdannymcqueen, mrmattlansburyaolcom, mrmusical, MrsHyde, mr_mime, Mtaz, mtguru11786, mthdrummer, Musicalfan, MusicalFreak, musicalnut, musicalpool, musical_babylon, musicisliving, musictheatrenut, mymusical, mynameispurpose, neverland, NikNik24, Nino, Noerd, nomad1972, norikoteatro19, Nutribox, NYCMusicalGuy, nydirector, ollysuperstar, OneDayMore, oxfordcomma, ozchiacgo, OzTimbo, patrick, Patronus, paulad39uk, PaulicusRex, paulik, pekas2, Phantom487, PhantomOfTheOpera, philcrosby, photo7_angel, Pianist391, piazzaphile, Pittnaucza, ponomos, PracticallyPerfect, PurpleCow17, rbj1967, retiree, Richie248, rieniev, riverwide, robertian, RobertR, runaway84, Rusty25, sallystreisand, SaltpeterJohn, sampm, SantEsprz, saxmachine1411, schlussmedley, Scintillating19, Scot, Scotbray, scrisp123, Serendipity, showqueen74, ShowQueenNYC, Showtunes, silhouetteinblue, Silverstrike, simeon22, singerunlimited, SingOut, skyefall, slotman55, smezme, sondhead, SpeakLowMrWeill, Spider11415, sputnik, spyk_, steveatdisney, Stirling1983, strelimyn, stuartjames, swami, TarinMcG, testytator, ThatBlackCat, Theater1, theatrefan, TheMerm, topcatnyc, VanDeKamp1313, velmank, vovsene, whispy94, whydoesitmadder, Wicked63, wonderboymj, wyou17, YoungVisiter89, ZacaryC, Zelina, zoowhami, zooxanthellae

BMG 63155 (CD)

28: ariauo398, BwayGuy12, Chas97, Ctiniser, dancerNate, DanJoJames, DanVel1103, Davisinio, dianamorales, dplux, Drh08, Hulk, jamesfredericks, Lloydwebbercollector, maxfried, mckeldinb, MrsChanandler, MusicalMad, musicalman1964TRADES, NYCNewCds, oeteltoet, olinde, pepspeed, SONDHEIM, stagescreen, TheJRockingRCo, thisismyusername, WickedHanschen

Music on Vinyl (LP)

4: Davisinio, JCinRVA, SONDHEIM, TXTyler

RCA 09026 63155-2 (CD)

273: 122a, AAAJockBoy, AEB, AirOfDebonair, AllThatMark, amadeusapple87, amie118, AMONI, AMP, Amy884, andrevanhest, AndyW, angustifolio, aorin, Archivist, ArtfulIke, ashmolean, auntbeast, azcollector, Babalu24, BDrischBDemented, beadlebamford, billkruckman, BklynCollector, blahblah, BLT24601, bostonbasset, BranC, bretw, brick, BroadwayGuy, BwayGuy12, BwayMusicals, bwylvr, cadbury, Cassiopeia, catsandcoffee23, cb300, chanteur1981, CharisM, CharlieAnderson, Charlotte_Lucyx, chaser, cheme64, choitoy, chrismexx, ciao, Coopie, CraigRhyne, danny10086, DannyBoy, DanVel1103, Davisinio, DDD, Deester, Demoneyeskyo87, DialZ4Zero, Diodenes-of-Catania, Disa, discuscd, DizzyMissLizzy, dmichaeld, Drh08, druidiaprada88, DustinRothbart, dutchsondheimfan, earguy, Eastwickian, eisenherz, EKtwins, Elke, elutt, emagnitude, enekosondheim, epenthesis, eponine, equisy, Erika, EstebanRiaNido, eva, fantasticdreams, fervidwhirl, filmguy78, FirstObserver, Flaemmchen, Flippy59, floridon, Fonheim, frauleinmozart, frontrowcentre, Fro_Foooo, fshepinc, Funes, gamat, generoussupply, georged555, glinda, GordShumALF, GuiidoContiinii, hamlet35, handsome25, Harkaway, HaroldArlen, Harris, harvle, HectorCoris, hitormiss, Hope32, HotBroadwayHottie, hotfootedhenry, Humberto_Luna, husk_charmer, iamaldolpho, IanGUK, Iceman, ihearttequila, ivon, JackCooper, JamieC, jas4112, Jason_B, jasper050, Jerome, Jessebudel, JJ, JMHG, Jo, JoeyDa, Joriss, JOrr92, JoseGer, JosephNYC, Joshdukie54, JoukesorgineleCDs, jreeves, JSorgineel, Kerry, kiteteraton, koukol, laeintsch, LargoProductions, leight79, LeoVonKrolock, lesdouga, lilmsliss, lineuphere, littleingenue, littlemsnattie, liza66, losingmymind, Lucheni, luispo, Madison, manga, Marcinthedark5, MarkusSteinsland, martijn1703, martijnj, marty888nyc, Matt, Mazsola822, michael1980, milady, MissHyde, misterallen, MisterMatt, Moci, MorenoBallerino, mortifer, MrEgerman, MrTandMrsL, MTluvr, musicaldigger, MusicalesPeru, musicalesrandom, musicalfan1999, musicalhit, MusicalMad, Musicalpietje, mvl, mylesie, MythosEdddy, NellieB, nelson, NHAD, NormalMyth, NotSinceCarrie, NYCNewCds, ObanTM, OldieMusicMan, OperetteGhost, oscarjaffe, otbo, patrickbraeu, PaulThomas, PhantomPhanTors, PhilB, Phylxu, pmwxyz, pygmalion, quin92, rafa, raiderred, RainbowJude, RCKtrades, Recollector, reniand, RenzoRienzi, rhfan, RickvdBelt, rimcat, robbyp921, RobNL, Rocky, Rockyfan2000, Rodolfo, RyanPBratt, Sabes17, SAM, Sammas, sapsorrow, ScarletSongs, scotsman91, scottjm, sebas17, Sebas17sOriginals, Sebasvb1987, SFRed, SingingLibrarian, SmoothTonguedLibertine, solstrom, SONDHEIM, spiderdj82willtrade, stageben, starryandstormy, suppy, SurabayaSeany, Svip, tbarr2, Telly, TenorAlexander, thatmegkid, thatpurpledress, theaterbear, TheatreVaultz, TheDarkMusical, thegabrielgoodman, TheGeneral1776, TheJRockingRCo, Thenardier, TheSingingStage, titanic1, TobytheHobbit, ToddWG, todwithoned26, tonyandrosabella, TopherMusicalGeek, TotheLastShot, Tresceibas, txaggieboy, Tyson, Underture09, upperco, urstan, Viaton, victimedemavictoire, vladdy, westendtobroadway, wickedboyy, Wigum, wotchermusicals, XarlieMoreno, yebsakin


4.2 / 5 (13 votes)

Rated by: Musicalfan (5), shane54 (5), choitoy (5), showqueen74 (5), koukol (5), DizzyMissLizzy (5), TXTyler (4), emagnitude (4), angustifolio (4), vladdy (4), mckeldinb (3), TenorAlexander (3), APTM (3)



Submitted by: hitormiss on 2006-01-01

Corrections contributed by: shane54, equisy, Rodolfo

Release BMG 63155 (CD)

Submitted by: hitormiss

Images contributed by: hitormiss

Release Music on Vinyl (LP)

Submitted by: BroadwayGuy on 2018-08-26

Images contributed by: BroadwayGuy

Release RCA 09026 63155-2 (CD)

Submitted by: hitormiss

Images contributed by: Thenardier, NormalMyth

Tracks indexed by: hitormiss on 2007-03-15

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