Website Updates

Archivist wrote June 8, 2024

The CAdb website is currently undergoing some maintenance and upgrade. We recently moved to a new server and some functions may be non-responsive or act erratically. Please bear with us.

Archivist wrote June 8, 2024

Currently the photo uploading function is not working properly. Please postpone any cover art or other photo uploading until this is fixed. Than you.

DanG1991 wrote June 8, 2024

I wish I had seen this sooner! Thank you for all your hard work!

AndyW wrote June 9, 2024

Only just seen this, please let us know when the image function is working again so I can complete my recent addition to the site. Thanks.

IanGUK wrote June 10, 2024

It should be ok now - please report any further issues.

Archivist wrote June 15, 2024

There's still a wrinkle with some of the images that display in the upper right corner (either broken or not updating) and we have that on our to-fix list.

georged555 wrote July 5, 2024

I haven't been able to add or remove a title to either my collection or wish list. And when I go to my profile, the list of the most recent activities doesn't show. Are these known issues with this update?

Archivist wrote July 5, 2024

I am having the same experience. I'll write a ticket on it.

georged555 wrote July 5, 2024


hitormiss wrote July 5, 2024

Adding and removing items from Collections & Wishlists should be working now.

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