Cast Albums Blog

Month Archive:  February 2017

REVIEW: ...and then I wrote THE MUSIC MAN

Recording Cover

England's Stage Door records continues its delightful Collector's Series with the first CD release of "...and then I wrote THE MUSIC MAN," the 1959 Capitol album featuring composer Meredith Willson and his wife Rini singing the hit score while Mr. Willson provides piano accompaniment and running narration. If you ever wanted to be a fly in the wall at a golden age backers' audition, find yourself a small, crowded New York apartment and play this disc; you'll find it's a perfect simulation.

While this album will never be anyone's go-to version of The Music Man, both Willson sing considerably better than the average musical theater writer you're likely to hear in similar circumstances. Mrs. Willson's Russian accent adds no small amount of charm to a score meant to convey small-town, midwestern America, but it's nothing compared to what her clear, straightforward soprano brings to the table.

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