
Song Details

West Side Story (119)  
Leonard Bernstein
Stephen Sondheim
Title Variations
Mambo (Meno Presto); Mambo (Presto); The Dance At the Gym: Mambo


The Sound of West Side Story - 1958 Ramin-Kostal Orchestra
Sound Clips West Side Story - 1960 Film Soundtrack
Sound Clips Bernstein Conducts Symphonic Dances from West Side Story and Symphonic Suite from On The Waterfront - 1961 New York Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra
Sound Clips "West Side Story" Symphonic Dances / "Candide" Overture - 1982 Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra
Sound Clips West Side Story - 1985 Studio Cast
Sound Clips On Broadway - 1992 Empire Brass
Sound Clips West Side Story - 2001 Nashville Symphony Orchestra & Cast
West Side Story - 2018 Concert Cast
West Side Story - 2018 Madrid Cast
West Side Story - 2020 Film Soundtrack
Note: this song may also appear on other recordings whose tracks have not yet been indexed.

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