Stats: The Sound Of Music > Broadway Cast
385 Collectors
RCA 09026-63207-2 (CD)
385: 122a, AAACastAlbum, Abel, AlbertoIsaac, albin3, alemartini74-I-TRADE, aliciag, Allison, allisonk, amerykanka, AMonarch, AMONI, anabarbara, AndyW, ANewUsernameIsRequired, angelofmusic, angustifolio, aorin, Archivist, argentinianphan, ariauo398, ArtfulIke, ashmolean, auntbeast, azcollector, Babalu24, babelijucy, Bajost, Barry, baumind, beadlebamford, betsyrose, BigBigBill, billkruckman, BklynCollector, bloody-wonder, BLT24601, boilermaker, bostonbasset, Brae, BreakaLeg, brenjaminbarker, bretw, BrianAllan, brick, broadwaygrobe, BroadwayGuy, bwayfreak1994, BwayGuy12, bwayjuvinile, BwayMusicals, bwylvr, CanadianDramaGeek, candymancan, CardinalPirelli, cartoncho, Cassiopeia, castalbumtrade, cb300, ccaggiano, cdrmusicals, CharityH0pe, CharlieAnderson, chaser, cheme64, choitoy, Chuckieroy2005, ciao, cmichaelperry, CNGarcia, CoolRider, COOOOLkid, cornersofmind, CraigRhyne, cristianew, CStrawpunz, Ctgsjc, Ctiniser, ctlwr, dancerNate, dancl94, DanG1991, danny10086, DanVel1103, Davisinio, Deester, Demoneyeskyo87, Derick-J-Smith, dingdong, Diodenes-of-Catania, directorev, ditsylife09, divarobbie, DizzyMissLizzy, dmichaeld, dogonfire, donquixotic, druidiaprada88, dukie54, dwillmill2, EGH, eisenherz, elutt, EM, emagnitude, enekosondheim, epenthesis, EPhillips230, EricNYC, Erika, erikrred1, eugdizon, eva, evitainternational, FantasmadaOpera, Fantine, filmguy78, firenze88, Flippy59, Fluff, Forgrins, Fosterdeux, framboisine, franci335, frauleinmozart, frejennix, frontrowcentre, fshepinc, gamat, Gavroche, Gaytheaterboy88, gbedigan, gbrenn01, Geoconno, german, ghowell111301, Giosue, gocards, GordShumALF, GretaAnnegret, GuidoContini, GuiidoContiinii, guyintomusicals, hamlet35, handsome25, Harris, harvle, hedrock1434, HeyMrMusic, hitormiss, HotBroadwayHottie, hotfootedhenry, hsmrocks, Hulk, Humberto_Luna, HUNG, husk_charmer, IanGUK, icantbelive1, Iceman, ihearttequila, ILuvTheaterTrash, IndyMaestro, inonoroff, irmelin, iroo, ivon, JAHiFi, jasper050, Jblack, jefferson65, Jerome, jevans3, jf, Jimmcf, jingle1991, JJ, jlm96um, jme82, JMHG, JMulch, Jo, Joe, joetaylor, jonesy33, JosephNYC, Joshdukie54, jreeves, jsolo22, Julia, KaBes, kanderebb, Katelyn, Ken, Ken-R, kevinddaly, Khelben, krisnoname, kudelicek, laboheme, laeintsch, lalamusic, LeaGirl, lesdouga, lightinthepiazza05, Lillie, lilmsliss, lineuphere, Littledancer729, littleingenue, Liv4Bway, losingmymind, Lovedatsound, lpbway, luispo, Luponatic, luvwicked, lvpblues, M229929, manga, Marcinthedark5, MarcosCohen, Martina, martinguerre, Matador, Matt, Mattbrain, mattrob, Mazsola822, McGrade, mckeldinb, md, MelisandeScott, michael1980, mikadobcn, mikahbeth, MindyB, MinuteMaid, Minx_the_Dog, misterallen, MisterMatt, mochakendoll, Moci, MommaElla, MrEgerman, MrTandMrsL, Mtaz, mtdizzle94, mthdrummer, MTluvr, munkustrap178, MusicalAlbums, musicaldigger, MusicalesPeru, Musicalfan, musicalfan1999, MusicalFreak, musicalhit, MusicalMad, musicalman1964TRADES, musicalnut, musicisliving, musicman0976, MusicMirror1853, mylesie, mymusical, Neely, NellieB, Nino, Noerd, NoFear6061, Nokocchi, NotSinceCarrie, Nutribox, NYCNewCds, nydirector, oeteltoet, OneDayMore, OrlandoCoaster, otbo, pauljcook, PaulThomas, pepspeed, Phantom487, PhantomPhanTors, Phylxu, piazzaphile, Pittnaucza, plainchant, PracticallyPerfect, PurpleCow, queenie, quest, r3j464, rafa, RainbowJude, Rebecca, Recollector, Redbreast, reniand, retiree, rhfan, RickvdBelt, rimcat, robbyp921, RobNL, robricant, RobWSchneider25, Rodolfo, RoelofV, rpfbcn, Rusty25, RyanPBratt, ryngoodale, rytoast1, sallystreisand, SaltpeterJohn, SantEsprz, Sara, saxmachine1411, ScarletSongs, Scintillating19, scoops66622, Scot, scottjm, scrisp123, showpeople, ShowQueenNYC, Showtunes, Silverstrike, singerunlimited, SingOut, SitDither, slotman55, solstrom, sondhead, SONDHEIM, sondheimhats, Spider11415, Sportzfanatic755, Steph, sternkind, Stirling1983, strelimyn, suppy, SurabayaSeany, swami, TarinMcG, testytator, thatmegkid, theaterbear, theatrefreak3412, theatrestu, TheatreVaultz, thegabrielgoodman, TheGeneral1776, TheJRockingRCo, TheMerm, thisismyusername, thrwntbtrumpets, tiowill, titanic1, tonyandrosabella, topcatnyc, TopherMusicalGeek, Tresceibas, txaggieboy, tylerjbway, underture, upperco, urstan, victimedemavictoire, VictorVonDoom, vladdy, WallaceWells, wbmac, westendtobroadway, whydoesitmadder, Wicked63, wonderboymj, wyou17, xaieta, yebsakin, YiPeng, zooxanthellae
32 Wish Lists
RCA 09026-63207-2 (CD)
32: AAAJockBoy, bleedernumber1, bound4bway, bretbob, broadwaybob, broadwayguy2001, catsandcoffee23, ChipC, cloche1482, devonhalfyard, ErikBroersen, firiri, goofy108, HowDoYouDeleteAccounts, jpl0827, julesxox3, kelso, mikey_, MLoves2Tradexyz, OperetteGhost, Patrick-Star, Poes010288, ross, sapsorrow, seventysevenplus, TheatreCub96, todwithoned26, undinisis, whippetphan, Wildcard, Yamita, Zelina
Rated by: DizzyMissLizzy (5), vladdy (5), angustifolio (4), CanadianDramaGeek (4), EM (4), hitormiss (3), TXTyler (3), mckeldinb (3), emagnitude (3), choitoy (3)
Submitted by: hitormiss on 2006-01-01
Corrections contributed by: Rodolfo
Release RCA 09026-63207-2 (CD)
Submitted by: hitormiss
Images contributed by: Deester
Tracks indexed by: hitormiss on 2007-03-15
Corrections contributed by: Rodolfo (6), losingmymind