Stats: The Scarlet Pimpernel > Concept Cast

352 Collectors

No release specified

49: AlbertoIsaac, AlleTanztenMitDemTod, asinwithnoname, Birr, bloody-wonder, brenjaminbarker, bretbob, broadwayboy223, bwaylover91, Caliypsoe, chrismexx, Cluefan072588, DanVel1103, EddieHyde, eloraculo, EstrognBoy, Freedomism, GordShumALF, icantbelive1, IndyMaestro, inonoroff, InTheCarProductions, jdeste01, julienjolras, keric1154, kevinddaly, KMWeaver87, Kosoun, Lillie, lukep97, lvpblues, maltimmy, Mattbrain, mayafreak, md, mrdannymcqueen, mrmusical, MusicalonStage, MWolfe, raptorglam, rent_nita, shawnjsd, skyefall, sparepart973, tardis67, testytator, TheDarkMusical, TheMaskedLion, tylerjbway

No labelPRCD 8373 (CD)

3: FantasmadaOpera, gamat, SONDHEIM

No labelSP103 (CD)

22: AMP, Archivist, ashmolean, beakerhj7, bostonbasset, Dan185, davidmm, DBS, FantasmadaOpera, gamat, Geoconno, georged555, HaroldArlen, IanGUK, JackCooper, kdt628, pygmalion, Recollector, RenzoRienzi, SONDHEIM, thrwntbtrumpets, UMinventory

Angel 54397 (CD)

279: 163809a, 2manydvds, AAAJockBoy, ActTwo, AEB, Aigles, Almaviva, amadeusapple87, amie118, AMONI, AMP, andrevanhest, andyp, AndyW, ANewUsernameIsRequired, angelclaud, angustifolio, aorin, Archivist, ariauo398, ashmolean, astraplain, baine, Bajost, barnabeee, barsros, baumind, bcc, beakerhj7, beautyisme, Bedivere, BigBriHaze, billkruckman, BklynCollector, blahblah, bostonbasset, Brae, BreakaLeg, bretw, BrianAllan, brick, BwayGuy12, bwayjuvinile, BwayMusicals, BwayStar1118, bwylvr, cabaretboy, CardinalPirelli, ccaggiano, cdrmusicals, CharisM, CharlieAnderson, Chas97, chaser, Cherubino, ciao, CoolRider, ctlwr, cubby95, Dan185, dancerNate, dancingmarsbars, DanG1991, danny10086, Davisinio, DBS, Demoneyeskyo87, dianamorales, dilapidatedbarns, divarobbie, DizzyMissLizzy, DJBinAZ, donegal, donnacav, DontAskDontTrade, Dorabella82, dougpeckvoice, Dreamore, druidiaprada88, dukie54, dutchsondheimfan, earguy, Eastwickian, eisenherz, ek, EKtwins, elutt, emagnitude, enekosondheim, epenthesis, eponine, eugdizon, evitainternational, FantasmadaOpera, Fantine, filmguy78, Flippy59, Fosterdeux, FoundARecord, framboisine, frauleinmozart, frontrowcentre, fshepinc, gamat, Gavroche, gbrenn01, gdwlistener, Geoconno, Giosue, glinda, goofy108, GregoryD, GretaAnnegret, GuidoContini, GuiidoContiinii, guyintomusicals, gynila, handsome25, Hanna, Hans, Harris, HectorCoris, hedrock1434, hilary25, hitormiss, hobbes, Hope, HotBroadwayHottie, hsmrocks, Hulk, iamaldolpho, IanGUK, ILuvTheaterTrash, IntoTheWords, IronHyde, ivon, JackCooper, JAHiFi, jasper050, javierring, jefferson65, jenashtep, Jerome, jflum, Jimmcf, JJ, jmh, Jo, JoeyDa, jokeriris, JosephNYC, Joshdukie54, JPme2187, JRybka, Ken, Kenny, krisnoname, LadyPimpernel, LadyVonGroovy, LaHowJolly, Lasay279, layton, LebNochEinmal, lesdouga, lfae, libradude, LittleLottie, Lloydwebbercollector, Lora, losingmymind, Lovedatsound, Ludwig, luvwicked, Marcinthedark5, Mari, MaskedLion, MattyB86, mdsch, MelisandeScott, milady, MinaVanHelsing, MindyB, Minx_the_Dog, misterallen, MisterMatt, MLoves2Tradexyz, Moci, Moncure, mrmattlansburyaolcom, Mtaz, mtguru11786, musicaldigger, MusicalesPeru, Musicalfan, musicalfan1999, musicalhit, MusicalMad, musicalnut, musicman0976, musictheatrenut, mymusical, NellieB, Newsie, nomad1972, Nutribox, NYCNewCds, nydirector, nztheatreluva, olinde, OperetteGhost, Patronus, PaulThomas, PhantomPhanTors, Phylxu, pygmalion, rafa, raiderred, rbj1967, Recollector, reniand, repogirl91, retiree, RickvdBelt, rkoshar, Rockyfan2000, rudand, runaway84, Rusty25, sallystreisand, SAM, saulssweetie, saxmachine1411, ScarletSongs, scarpent1963, Scintillating19, Scot, Scotbray, scottjm, shnex, ShowQueenNYC, solly2, sondhead, SONDHEIM, soundofmusicals, Spider11415, StageDoorLondon, Svip, TarinMcG, TenorAlexander, ThatMusicalGuy, theaterbear, TheatreVaultz, thegabrielgoodman, TheGeneral1776, TheJRockingRCo, TheMerm, TheOtherCourse, thisismyusername, tiowill, ToddWG, todwithoned26, tonyandrosabella, topcatnyc, TopherMusicalGeek, trantersaurusrex, Tresceibas, txaggieboy, umgeoboy, Viaton, victimedemavictoire, vladdy, westendtobroadway, Wicked63, wickedboyy, wonderboymj, wosao, yebsakin, Zelina


3.7 / 5 (9 votes)

Rated by: wickedfan (5), emagnitude (4), angustifolio (4), skyefall (4), DizzyMissLizzy (4), Newsie (4), hitormiss (3), TenorAlexander (3), vladdy (2)



Submitted by: hitormiss on 2006-01-01

Corrections contributed by: zoowhami

Release No labelPRCD 8373 (CD)

Submitted by: Demoneyeskyo87 on 2009-09-08

Images contributed by: Demoneyeskyo87

Corrections contributed by: Rodolfo

Release No labelSP103 (CD)

Submitted by: JackCooper on 2007-05-25

Images contributed by: Recollector, JackCooper

Corrections contributed by: Rodolfo

Release Angel 54397 (CD)

Submitted by: hitormiss

Images contributed by: hitormiss, Svip

Tracks indexed by: hitormiss on 2007-03-15

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