The Phantom of the Opera at The Royal Albert Hall > Concert Cast

User When Submitted What Changed
on July 14, 2020 Location, Performer View
equisy on April 18, 2020 Performer View
equisy on April 18, 2020 Performer View
equisy on April 18, 2020 Performer View
equisy on April 18, 2020 Performer View
equisy on April 18, 2020 Notes, Director, Choreography, Conductor, Music Director, Orchestrations, Performer View
DBS on September 10, 2011 View

Revision #6

Submitted on July 14, 2020 by

Additions from the previous version are highlighted in green. Deletions are struckthrough and highlighted in red.

Recording ID
Show ID
The Phantom of the Opera at The Royal Albert Hall
Concert Cast
Concert Cast
See also [r23851 audio recording of this concert]
Recording venue
Royal Albert Hall
Recording language
EnglandUK / England / London
Completion score
[p112443 Connor, Laurence] = Stage Director
[p113801 Morris, Nick] = Film Director
[p6520 Lynne, Gillian]
[p20459 Inglis, Anthony]
Music Director
[p20459 Inglis, Anthony]
[p20412 Brooker, Stephen]
[p1312 Lloyd Webber, Andrew]
[p2758 Cullen, David]
[p152268 Callaghan, A.J.]
[p135109 Francis, Aaron]
[p90462 Brooks, Adam]
[p144958 Linstead, Adam]
[p152289 McKenzie, Alan]
[p21467 Vicary, Alan]
[p152321 Lugoboni, Alessia]
[p152272 Connell, Alison]
[p152313 Croft, Alison]
[p26993 Guill, Alison]
[p152319 Hollins, Amy]
[p152286 Kutay, Anabel]
[p94454 Halliday, Andrew]
[p31445 Keelan, Andrew]
[p27241 Thwaite, Andrew]
[p152270 Cervantes, Anna]
[p152316 Forbes, Anna]
[p152325 Shircliff, Anna]
[p152266 Bass, Annette]
[p2485 Yeo, Annette]
[p108269 Warlow, Anthony]
[p69668 Clark, Barry]
[p6443 James, Barry] = Monsieur Firmin
[p152271 Clayfield, Blake]
[p152300 Saccente, Brian J.]
[p152302 Vass, Carmen]
[p152312 Crawley, Caroline]
[p36638 Graham, Celia]
[p152324 Renouf, Charise]
[p152024 McGowan, Charles Duncan]
[p15418 Holland, Chris]
[p26994 Billett, Christian Jon]
[p21470 Blades, Christopher]
[p17944 Howell, Christopher]
[p46498 Doyle, Claire]
[p152326 Tilling, Claire]
[p38575 Zammit, Colin]
[p2286 Wilkinson, Colm]
[p99788 Maywood, Daisy] = Meg Giry
[p19829 Delve, David]
[p152276 Fortune, David]
[p13636 Pendlebury, David]
[p9518 Dutcher, Deborah]
[p12891 Smith, Duncan]
[p2963 Carpenter, Earl]
[p94714 Blythman, Eleanor]
[p41948 Jackson, Ellen]
[p152320 Hughes, Emily]
[p152315 Findlay, Emma]
[p21426 Harris, Emma]
[p152284 Jones, Emma]
[p2540 Snook, Gareth] = Monsieur Andre
[p152265 Bardsley, Garth]
[p152264 Cortes, Garðar]
[p28126 Beck, Gina]
[p23786 Fraser, Hadley] = Raoul
[p76361 Jackson, Heather]
[p152292 O'Brien, Heidi Ann]
[p31448 Ellis, Howard]
[p26689 Barron, James]
[p13681 Spilling, James]
[p38745 Stoggles, Jane]
[p20851 Ivir, Jasna]
[p152322 Nixon, Jenny]
[p94591 Secomb, Jeremy]
[p56839 Washington, Jill]
[p152288 Loxton, Jo]
[p4187 Addison, John]
[p152282 Jack, John]
[p28121 Owen-Jones, John]
[p144954 Claus, Joseph]
[p152267 Batter, Kate]
[p152297 Radmilovic, Kate]
[p152304 Volika, Katerina]
[p152310 Cooper, Kathryn]
[p86736 Hall, Katie]
[p152280 Hawkins, Katrina]
[p112602 Hanna, Katy]
[p110683 Treharne, Katy]
[p98581 Donnelly, Killian]
[p152317 Harrison, Layla]
[p152314 Dowsett, Liesl]
[p152277 Gardiner, Lindsay]
[p152306 Wise, Lindsey]
[p2875 Robertson, Liz] = Madame Giry
[p123724 Jackson, Luke]
[p152305 Watsham, Mandy]
[p152303 Vastenavondt, Marc]
[p152301 Stevenson, Marina]
[p40345 Inscoe, Mark]
[p9380 McKerracher, Mark]
[p35649 Oxtoby, Mark]
[p152278 Matt Gent Matt Gent]
[p152269 Camelle, Matthew]
[p152295 Powell, Matthew]
[p152279 Gowie, Melanie]
[p8769 Bauer, Michael]
[p152285 Kerry, Michael]
[p130836 Naaman, Nadim]
[p152309 Cobby, Naomi]
[p152311 Corne, Natalie]
[p28444 Greenshields, Nic]
[p11233 Holder, Nick] = Joseph Buquet
[p6631 Adams, Nicky]
[p152299 Rutherford, Nicola]
[p152308 Cato, Nicole]
[p152274 Eyre, Oliver]
[p21291 Williams, Owen]
[p95488 Smyth, Patrick]
[p152290 Monaghan, Paul]
[p2961 Jöback, Peter]
[p5908 Land, Peter]
[p7235 Griffiths, Philip] = Monsieur Reyer
[p91820 Barrell, Rachel]
[p82078 Spurrell, Rachel]
[p44258 Karimloo, Ramin] = The Phantom
[p14545 Caine, Rebecca]
[p126694 Hazell, Richard]
[p152287 Lake, Richard]
[p152291 Munday, Richard]
[p152275 Finlayson, Robert]
[p21432 North, Robyn]
[p2960 Ashe, Rosemary]
[p152293 O'Gorman, Ryan]
[p152281 Hiller, Sam]
[p244 Brightman, Sarah]
[p152323 O'Connell, Sarah]
[p21434 Ryan, Sarah]
[p152298 Rose, Sebastian]
[p152263 Polunin, Sergei]
[p152294 Owen, Sian]
[p38205 Boggess, Sierra] = Christine Daae
[p28127 Bailey, Simon]
[p2482 Green, Simon] = Monsieur Lefevre
[p152296 Rackley, Simon]
[p112600 Shorten, Simon]
[p132143 Escobar, Sofia]
[p152318 Hartley, Sophie]
[p142649 Davis, Stephen John]
[p99429 McCarthy, Stephen]
[p134008 Webb, Tabitha]
[p152273 Cunningham, Tess]
[p23132 Laurenti, Tim]
[p152283 Johns, Tori]
[p71927 Ferguson, Wendy] = Carlotta Guidicelli
[p93049 Evans, Wynne] = Ubaldo Piangi
[p152264 Cortes, Garðar]
[p2961 Jöback, Peter]