Stats: The Baker's Wife > Original Cast

562 Collectors

No release specified

204: 123456789a, 1234helloo, A1D1K, AAACastAlbum, aces94, actsingdance, aliciag, al_newman423, Amanda, amerykanka, andmarwaslike, ANewUsernameIsRequired, artigat1, Ashira, Bajost, baker_shaker, barnabeee, baumind, best12bars, betsyrose, Blasterbot5555, bound4bway, BreakaLeg, brenjaminbarker, brick, BroadwayMatineecom, bwayrocks, caitiesus1522, candymancan, castalbumtrade, CC-Bloom, ccaggiano, cdrmusicals, Cherubino, chris1228, CJEscandell, cmichaelperry, coloredlights, CoolRider, Ctgsjc, Ctiniser, Dan032003, dancerNate, darryljake, Davee, Davisinio, diablouk, dingdong, directorev, DJBinAZ, dkusterm, docbway, donegal, DontAskDontTrade, dougpeckvoice, Drh08, earguy, ectheatreguy, ediecupcake, ednatracywilbur23, ek, Elf, Elke, eloraculo, elphabatize, EricNYC, eugdizon, eveliene, evitainternational, finlee, Fosterdeux, FoundARecord, garthtavares, Gaytheaterboy88, Genekelly7, george_dyer, Giosue, goentertainment, GretaAnnegret, guyintomusicals, Heyoldfriend, hilary25, hobbes, incostapedial, indigomedusa, inonoroff, jaktg, jamesa, javierring, jeisrael, jevans3, jf, JinxMoon, jme82, Joe, Jordito, jpl0827, jpyovanoff1973, jrallman, kanderebb, katy2404, Kellygrape, Ken, Ken-R, Kp66, LBathoryTRADES, LidaRose, lightinthepiazza05, Liv4Bway, LondonFan1984, Lovedatsound, lpbway, lukep97, lvpblues, makelikeanail, mallardo, maltimmy, ManinChair, MarkGoodwin, Mark_E, Matador, Mattbrain, MattyB86, MelisandeScott, mercer85, merrilygal, Miki, milady, MindyB, mizzguidedgal, mjjared, mrbungee1, mrmattlansburyaolcom, Mtaz, mthdrummer, musicalhit, MusicalMad, musicalnut, musical_babylon, mynameispurpose, Neely, NicholasLyrics, Nino, Noerd, nomad1972, nuingiliath, nycbound, NYCMusicalGuy, olinde, olitwist, oxfordcomma, OzTimbo, pagingdoctorfreud, parker395, patrick, Patronus, paulik, pekas2, pianolin717, Pittnaucza, plainchant, prairiec, robertian, robray, rr_the_actor, rumsonu, sallystreisand, SaltpeterJohn, Scot, Scotbray, Scuffsta, sepaaaa, seventysevenplus, showprince, Showtunes, smezme, sockie, somuchtoshare, SondheimGeek, sondheimhats, soymuy25, sparepart973, Sparky023, SpeakLowMrWeill, Spider11415, Steph, Stish17, Stormecho, strelimyn, Sunny, testytator, thegrassharpist, TheMerm, topcatnyc, tybolt, tylerjbway, umgeoboy, upperco, vovsene, WantsToTrade, Wicked63, wonderboymj, xoalxscrzox, zamenhof


13: Archivist, Davisinio, dukie54, IanGUK, lesdouga, losingmymind, MindyB, MusicalesPeru, MusicalMad, ScarletSongs, SONDHEIM, TheDarkMusical, txaggieboy

Original Cast Records THT CD 9216 (CD)

292: 122a, 2manydvds, 4yurisonly, AAAJockBoy, acassesetrades, ahmelie, AirOfDebonair, albin3, Alexc, AMONI, AMP, andrevanhest, AndyW, ariauo398, ArtfulIke, ArthurLatimer, ashmolean, athespiangirl, auntbeast, babelijucy, barsros, BDrischBDemented, beckasings, bem, billkruckman, bjrocket89, BklynCollector, BLT24601, boilermaker, BonafideJJFan, bostonbasset, BranC, bretw, broadwaybob, brooklynbecca, BwayGuy12, BwayMusicals, bwylvr, CardinalPirelli, cartoncho, cb300, CharlieAnderson, chaser, ChipC, choitoy, chrismexx, ciao, Cluefan072588, COOOOLkid, Coopie, corey, CraigRhyne, crmiller, Dan185, DanG1991, daniel, DanJoJames, danny10086, DannyBoy, DanVel1103, dczaplew, Deester, defyingravity11, devonhalfyard, dfwtheatreguy, dilapidatedbarns, Diodenes-of-Catania, discuscd, divarobbie, DizzyMissLizzy, dmichaeld, dplux, Dreamore, drsd2kill, druidiaprada88, dukie54, DustinRothbart, dutchsondheimfan, dwkii, Eastwickian, EdwardRCox, eggplantq, eisenherz, EKtwins, elutt, emagnitude, enekosondheim, epenthesis, EricMontreal22, Erika, EstebanRiaNido, EstrognBoy, eva, Fame, Fantine, Fantod, firenze88, flipfellax1, Flippy59, floridon, Fonheim, frauleinmozart, frontrowcentre, fshepinc, gamat, gdwlistener, Geoconno, georged555, gingerjarvis, GKBklyn74, GordShumALF, GuidoContini, gumbo2, handsome25, HaroldArlen, Harris, HectorCoris, helloagain, hitormiss, HotBroadwayHottie, hotfootedhenry, Hulk, Humberto_Luna, husk_charmer, IanGUK, icantbelive1, ilovemusicals, ILuvTheaterTrash, IndyMaestro, iroo, ivon, iwantubleeders, Jason_B, jasper050, JBSinger, jbutts15, JeanProuvaire, jenashtep, jflum, JJ, JMHG, JMulch, joeyjoe, jokeriris, Joshdukie54, jphogan3494, jreeves, jsolo22, Juan, katerinai, kdowe7321, kdt628, kelso, kerrisayshi, Kerry, kevinddaly, Khelben, KiraMGJ, Kjisgroovy, laeintsch, lakerfrk, layton, lesdouga, Lillie, lineuphere, losingmymind, luvwicked, Marcinthedark5, MarieChristine, marty888nyc, Matt, MauriceDeltaco, michaelalan576, Minx_the_Dog, MissHyde, MissLeo, misterallen, MisterMatt, MLoves2Tradexyz, Moci, Moncure, MrEgerman, mtguru11786, MTluvr, MusicalAlbums, musicaldigger, MusicalesPeru, musicalfan1999, musicalman1964TRADES, musicman0976, musictheatrenut, mylesie, mymusical, NellieB, nicoleswofford, noknic, NorbJunior, NormalMyth, NotSinceCarrie, nowgoesquickly, NYCNewCds, ObanTM, OldieMusicMan, oscarjaffe, PaulThomas, phantomphan, Phylxu, PianoMonkey, piazzaphile, pmwxyz, pnu, PracticallyPerfect, rafa, raiderred, rara2018, RCKtrades, Recollector, reniand, RickvdBelt, ripcolt72, robricant, Rockyfan2000, Rodolfo, rpfbcn, RyanPBratt, samcd3, SantEsprz, sapsorrow, ScarletSongs, Scintillating19, scoops66622, scottjm, scrammit, scrisp123, SFRed, showqueen74, ShowQueenNYC, silhouetteinblue, simeon22, SitDither, skindieboy, slotman55, solly2, somehowshifted, sondhead, SONDHEIM, sonkid, Sportzfanatic755, stageben, StageDoorLondon, Starmiter, starryandstormy, stevie1, Stirling1983, Stormecho, stu, suppy, SurabayaSeany, Tabbie, tbarr2, tele6171, ThatBlackCat, thatmegkid, thatpurpledress, theaterbear, theaterkid1015, TheatreVaultz, TheDarkMusical, thegabrielgoodman, TheJRockingRCo, Thomas14850NY, thrwntbtrumpets, tiowill, titanic1, ToddWG, todwithoned26, tonyandrosabella, TopherMusicalGeek, Tresceibas, Tyson, urstan, vinaigre, vladdy, WalkOn, wbmac, wellthen, westendtobroadway, wickedboyy, WickedFeak69, yebsakin, Zachcos, zimmy

Take Home Tunes THT CD 891 (CD)

24: 7h, azcollector, BroadwayGuy, BroadwayMatinee, Fantine, fshepinc, georged555, hamlet35, harvle, IanGUK, iroo, JosephNYC, lptodisc, Moncure, Musicalpietje, MythosEdddy, Recollector, retiree, robbyp921, Sammas, SONDHEIM, TheGeneral1776, TheJRockingRCo, thisismyusername

Take Home Tunes THT-772 (LP)

29: AndyW, ashmolean, barsros, bretbob, BruceBlock, CharlieAnderson, DannyBoy, Deester, Fantine, floridon, fshepinc, Geoconno, hotfootedhenry, husk_charmer, iroo, kevinddaly, lptodisc, Moncure, NotSinceCarrie, nydirector, olivia, petcow101, Recollector, RenzoRienzi, rhfan, SONDHEIM, stagescreen, TheJRockingRCo, TomSD


4.1 / 5 (10 votes)

Rated by: SurabayaSeany (5), showqueen74 (5), DizzyMissLizzy (5), Fantod (5), hitormiss (4), emagnitude (4), Tabbie (4), vladdy (4), Coopie (3), mckeldinb (2)


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