Stats: La Cage Aux Folles > Broadway Cast

340 Collectors

PS Classics 1094 (CD)

341: 1234helloo, 13aja13, 4yurisonly, AAAJockBoy, Aigles, AlbertoIsaac, albin3, alemartini74-I-TRADE, Alexc, aliciag, amadeusapple87, AMONI, andrevanhest, AndrewSt, AndyW, angelofmusic, Archivist, argentinianphan, ariauo398, auntbeast, Axel24601, azcollector, babelijucy, BDrischBDemented, billkruckman, bleedernumber1, bloody-wonder, BLT24601, boilermaker, BonafideJJFan, bostonbasset, bretbob, brick, burlyblueonion, BwayGuy12, bwayjuvinile, bwylvr, candyman82, CardinalPirelli, cb300, CharlieAnderson, chaser, cheme64, ChipC, choirboy, choitoy, chrismexx, ciao, CJEscandell, clopin, CoolRider, CraigRhyne, crmiller, CStrawpunz, Ctgsjc, Ctiniser, cubby95, dancerNate, DanG1991, DanielleMusic7, danielp, DanJoJames, danny10086, DannyBoy, DanVel1103, Davisinio, defyingravity11, deHavvy, diablouk, dianamorales, DisneyDork93, divarobbie, DizzyMissLizzy, djwoh, dmichaeld, DontAskDontTrade, dontdosadness, dplux, Drh08, dukie54, DustinRothbart, dutchsondheimfan, Eastwickian, ednatracywilbur23, eisenherz, EKtwins, Elke, elutt, EM, emagnitude, emjolras, Erika, EstebanRiaNido, eugdizon, evergreen, evitainternational, Fantod, fervidwhirl, filmguy78, firenze88, Flippy59, floridon, frontrowcentre, fshepinc, gabrielebon, gamat, gdwlistener, Geoconno, georged555, german, gertrudej21, ghowell111301, giddyseizures, GKBklyn74, gocards, GordShumALF, GregoryD, GuidoContini, GuiidoContiinii, HectorCoris, Horton, HotBroadwayHottie, hotfootedhenry, Humberto_Luna, husk_charmer, IanGUK, icantbelive1, ihearttequila, incostapedial, IndyMaestro, inonoroff, IntoTheWords, JackCooper, jaktg, jamesfredericks, jasper050, Jayar, Jblack, Jerome, jevans3, jflum, JJ, JMHG, JMulch, Jo, JoeyDa, Joriss, JoseGer, JosephNYC, Joshdukie54, JoukesorgineleCDs, jpl0827, jreeves, JReid, jriverasanchez, jsolo22, JSorgineel, KaBes, katerinai, kdt628, Kerry, kevinddaly, Khelben, koukol, kudelicek, laboheme, laeintsch, LargoProductions, lesdouga, Lillie, lilmsliss, littlemsnattie, Lloydwebbercollector, losingmymind, lpbway, lukep97, luvwicked, lvpblues, makingupways, Marcinthedark5, MarcosCohen, marilynsmole, mariodelagarza, Mark_E, martinguerre, marvinsgiddyseizures, Matt, Mattbrain, mattmann18, MattyB86, MauriceDeltaco, mckeldinb, md, mdsch, michael1980, mikecs83, MindyB, misterallen, MisterMatt, MLoves2Tradexyz, Moci, Moncure, mrbungee1, MrBungee93, mrmattlansburyaolcom, MrsChanandler, Mtaz, mthdrummer, MTluvr, MusicalAlbums, musicaldigger, MusicalesPeru, musicalesrandom, Musicalfan, musicalhit, musicalman1964TRADES, musicisliving, musicman0976, musictheatrenut, mylesie, MythosEdddy, Nathan, nelson, neonlights, nicoleswofford, Nino, noknic, NormalMyth, NYCNewCds, oeteltoet, OldBrownEars, OldieMusicMan, olinde, OneDayMore, oscarjaffe, otbo, OzTimbo, Paco-Castelan, pauljcook, PaulThomas, pepspeed, PhantomPhanTors, philcrosby, Phylxu, pitorchestalvr, Pittnaucza, Poes010288, PracticallyPerfect, pygmalion, qolbinau, quest, r3j464, raiderred, rainbow12334444mkeat, RCKtrades, Recollector, ResseKoch, retiree, rhfan, RickvdBelt, rimcat, robbyp921, robray, RobWSchneider25, Rockyfan2000, Rodolfo, rpfbcn, Rusty25, RyanPBratt, Sabes17, SaltpeterJohn, SantEsprz, ScarletSongs, scoops66622, scotsman91, scottjm, scrammit, scrisp123, Scuffsta, Sebasvb1987, seeonlyme, serge12, shomo, ShowQueenNYC, skindieboy, SmoothTonguedLibertine, SONDHEIM, sondheimhats, SondheimSundays, sonkid, sparepart973, spiderdj82willtrade, stageben, steveatdisney, Stirling1983, stu, Svip, T0rn3ss, Tabbie, TenorAlexander, testytator, thatkidstuieee, thatmegkid, thatpurpledress, theaterbear, theatreislove25, Theatreismylife, theatrestu, TheatreVaultz, thecrazyowl, TheDarkMusical, thegabrielgoodman, TheGeneral1776, thisismyusername, titanic1, TobytheHobbit, ToddWG, todwithoned26, tonyandrosabella, TopherMusicalGeek, TotheLastShot, Tresceibas, txaggieboy, TXTyler, upperco, urstan, victimedemavictoire, vladdy, vovsene, WallaceWells, wellthen, westendtobroadway, wickedboyy, WickedHanschen, Wildcard, WilDirects, wombat2, Zachcos, zakadika, zamenhof


4.4 / 5 (11 votes)

Rated by: shane54 (5), choitoy (5), Mattbrain (5), qolbinau (5), koukol (5), DizzyMissLizzy (5), GuiidoContiinii (5), mrmattlansburyaolcom (5), emagnitude (4), EM (3), neonlights (1)



Submitted by: choitoy on 2010-07-28

Corrections contributed by: Rodolfo (5), zoowhami

Release PS Classics 1094 (CD)

Submitted by: choitoy on 2010-07-28

Images contributed by: neonlights, shane54

Tracks indexed by: Rodolfo on 2014-05-10

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