431 Collectors

No release specified

222: 123456a, 1234helloo, 163809a, 171jersey, 247music, ActingDude17, actsingdance, aidan, Aigles, Allison, allisonk, al_newman423, amerykanka, AMONI, AnotherNationalAnthem, Ardus, Ashira, ashley0139, Axel24601, babelijucy, barnabeee, baumind, bdal, bloody-wonder, blueberryninja, BonafideJJFan, BranC, BreakaLeg, bredding, brenjaminbarker, broadwaybob, BroadwayBound86, broadwayboy223, Bwaydreams01, bwayfreak1994, BwayGuy12, bwayjuvinile, caitiesus1522, candyman82, candymancan, CardinalPirelli, caspay3955, ccaggiano, cdrmusicals, CharlieAnderson, cheme64, circusliz, CJEscandell, cmichaelperry, coleccionista, colleen_lee, CoolRider, COOOOLkid, corey, cpopham2003, cristianew, CStrawpunz, Ctgsjc, cubby95, dancerNate, Dave, davidbrian81, diablouk, DisneyDork93, divarobbie, docbway, DontAskDontTrade, dougpeckvoice, Drh08, elisaaa, eloraculo, ElvisPretzle, Enelar, EPhillips230, EricNYC, EstebanRiaNido, eugdizon, evitainternational, Flippy59, foolontheplanet, Fosterdeux, furbystud, Gavroche, german, Giosue, GKBklyn74, goentertainment, greenteagirl, GretaAnnegret, GuidoContini, guyintomusicals, hobbes, hsmrocks, HUNG, iachavez, ilovetotrade, iroo, itsphoebers, iwantubleeders, Jan, javierring, JBSinger, JCinRVA, jeisrael, jenashtep, jflum, Jimmcf, jimmycurry01, Joe, jokeriris, jonesy33, JReid, Julian2, julienjolras, KaBes, kanderebb, KChenowethfan, Kennyboy88, kevinddaly, krisnoname, lalamusic, Lando, LBathoryTRADES, LebNochEinmal, leobloom169, leporello, lightinthepiazza05, Lillie, lilmsliss, lizzz11034, Lovedatsound, lpbway, luvwicked, manilamusicalmaniac, Mattbrain, mattmann18, mattrob, MattW0810, MauriceDeltaco, MelisandeScott, mikahbeth, Miki, MindyB, Minx_the_Dog, mizzguidedgal, mjjared, mochakendoll, Moncure, motter3, munkustrap178, Musical-Matthew, MusicalAlbums, MusicalFreak, musicalhit, MusicalLady, musicalnut, NellyLX, Nutribox, nycbound, nydirector, olinde, olitwist, operathephantom, Patronus, PaulicusRex, Phantom2004, philcrosby, piazzaphile, Pittnaucza, plainchant, Poes010288, pokethehokie, queenie, rbj1967, retiree, rgaywrites, RippleNotTheSea, RobWSchneider25, Roryseber, Rusty25, SaltpeterJohn, Sammas, saxmachine1411, scarpent1963, schlussmedley, Scintillating19, Scotbray, scrammit, scrisp123, serge12, seventysevenplus, shannonkay, shettie, Showtunes, sidneybruhl, Silverstrike, singerunlimited, sloanpeters, slotman55, sondhead, SondheimGeek, Spider11415, stageguy99, Starmiter, Superstar, testytator, theaterkid1015, Theatreismylife, TheMerm, TheOtherCourse, tiowill, topcatnyc, txaggieboy, Underture09, upperco, vovsene, wbmac, whydoesitmadder, wonderboymj, Zachcos, zamenhof, zoowhami

Capitol 21387 (CD)

121: AAAJockBoy, amadeusapple87, amie118, andrevanhest, AndyW, aorin, ArtfulIke, auntbeast, BklynCollector, BLT24601, boojidad, bookworm77, bostonbasset, BwayMusicals, bwylvr, cartoncho, catfishoctopus, cb300, ChipC, Coopie, Dan185, danny10086, davidmm, Davisinio, Deester, defyingravity11, Derick-J-Smith, Digitalmozart, Diodenes-of-Catania, ditsylife09, DizzyMissLizzy, donquixotic, dontdosadness, dutchsondheimfan, eisenherz, elutt, epenthesis, Erika, ErikBroersen, EstrognBoy, eva, Fantine, Fantod, fshepinc, generoussupply, GregoryD, GuiidoContiinii, handsome25, hotfootedhenry, Humberto_Luna, IanGUK, icantbelive1, Iceman, ihearttequila, ivon, jasper050, Jerome, JJ, JoeyDa, Joshdukie54, judasiscariot41, Juhstin, kathy_dreamon, Khelben, ksollitt, laeintsch, LargoProductions, layton, littleingenue, LittleLottie, losingmymind, Marcinthedark5, marty888nyc, Mazsola822, michael1980, MisterMatt, Mtaz, musicaldigger, musicalfan1999, musicalhit, musicalman1964TRADES, musicman0976, mymusical, NLS, Nobodydusk1, NormalMyth, ObanTM, OperetteGhost, PaulThomas, PhantomPhanTors, Phylxu, PracticallyPerfect, quest, raiderred, rara2018, Recollector, RickvdBelt, rimcat, RobNL, robray, Rocky, RyanPBratt, sapsorrow, SONDHEIM, stevie1, Stirling1983, strelimyn, ThatBlackCat, thatmegkid, ThatMusicalGuy, theaterbear, TheatreVaultz, thegabrielgoodman, TheJRockingRCo, Thenardier, thisismyusername, TopherMusicalGeek, Tresceibas, tserrof84, westendtobroadway, yebsakin

CHR 1387 (LP)

23: ashmolean, bostonbasset, BroadwayGuy, BruceBlock, DannyBoy, Davisinio, Deester, dogonfire, Fantine, floridon, Geoconno, lesdouga, lptodisc, Michael, michaelalan576, pepspeed, Recollector, rhfan, Rockyfan2000, SONDHEIM, TheDarkMusical, TomSD, zeldafaybaker

Chrysalis F2-21387 (CD)

65: albin3, AMonarch, argentinianphan, azcollector, BDrischBDemented, billkruckman, boilermaker, bretw, BrianAllan, brick, CharisM, ciao, CraigRhyne, Ctiniser, Davisinio, dczaplew, djvinylmaster, emagnitude, enekosondheim, Fantine, gabeberk, gamat, Geoconno, georged555, hamlet35, husk_charmer, JamieC, joeyjoe, JosephNYC, jxosako, lineuphere, Lloydwebbercollector, Matt, mckeldinb, misterallen, MLoves2Tradexyz, Moci, MrBungee93, MrsChanandler, MusicalesPeru, MusicMirror1853, NYCNewCds, phantomphan, RCKtrades, Recollector, robbyp921, robricant, Rockyfan2000, Rodolfo, ross, SAM, ScarletSongs, scottjm, SONDHEIM, stu, swami, Tabbie, TheGeneral1776, TheJRockingRCo, thrwntbtrumpets, titanic1, ToddWG, TXTyler, vladdy, WRaveau


4.3 / 5 (8 votes)

Rated by: txaggieboy (5), TXTyler (5), ErikBroersen (5), emagnitude (4), robricant (4), DizzyMissLizzy (4), vladdy (4), mckeldinb (3)



Submitted by: hitormiss on 2006-01-01

Corrections contributed by: zoowhami

Release Capitol 21387 (CD)

Submitted by: hitormiss

Images contributed by: Humberto_Luna

Tracks indexed by: hitormiss on 2007-03-15

Corrections contributed by: losingmymind

Release CHR 1387 (LP)

Submitted by: hitormiss

Images contributed by: Deester

Release Chrysalis F2-21387 (CD)

Submitted by: hitormiss

Images contributed by: hitormiss

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