I'm Still Here: A Virtual Benefit for the Billy Rose Theatre Division > Various Artists

User When Submitted What Changed
on August 5, 2023 Performer View
on November 28, 2021 Source, Performer View
on June 24, 2021 Source, Notes, Music Director, Orchestrations, Performer View
ciao on June 19, 2021 View

Revision #3

Submitted on August 5, 2023 by

Additions from the previous version are highlighted in green. Deletions are struckthrough and highlighted in red.

Recording ID
I'm Still Here: A Virtual Benefit for the Billy Rose Theatre Division
Various Artists
Concert Cast
Virtual event featuring never-before-seen archival content of several Broadway productions preserved in the archive of The New York Public Library for the Performing Arts' [i]Billy Rose Theatre Division[/i]
Recording group
New York Public Library
Recording language
Completion score
Music Director
[p162744 Dean, Rachel]
[p89964 Usifer, Brian]
[p163884 Marcellus, Aaron]
[p146944 Simmons, Ahmad]
[p91098 Brightman, Alex]
[p150592 Bello, Alexander]
[p152346 Louis, Allen Rene]
[p163875 Faye, Amina]
[p57042 DeShields, André]
[p283 Burns, Andréa]

[p108665 Bassett, Angela]
[p1236 Lansbury, Angela]
[p27536 Ashford, Annaleigh]
[p1449 McGreevey, Annie]
[p155434 Cipriano, Antonio]
[p58313 Grande, Ariana]
[p163879 Jackson, Arica]
[p163883 Loren, Ashley]
[p163871 Casel, Ayodele]
[p13428 Lee, Baayork]
[p2196 Vereen, Ben]
[p1678 Peters, Bernadette]
[p1489 Midler, Bette]
[p142035 Thornton, Bobby Conte]
[p124542 Milligan, Bonnie]
[p1504 Mitchell, Brian Stokes]
[p152537 Mack, Brittney]
[p163872 Cooper, Calvin L.]
[p137132 James, Cassondra]
[p163876 Freeman, Chelsea P.]
[p1818 Rivera, Chita]
[p3683 Borle, Christian]
[p9027 Ebersole, Christine]
[p54217 Jackson, Christopher]
[p163892 Vo, Christopher]
[p111300 Wheeldon, Christopher]
[p3250 Bierko, Craig]
[p1728 Prince, Daisy]
[p3370 Burtka, David]
[p1047 Hwang, David Henry]
[p163874 Ege, Derek]
[p159551 DiLella, Frank]
[p2330 Wolfe, George C.]
[p953 Hearn, George]
[p96543 Salazar, George]
[p388 Close, Glenn]
[p667 Fierstein, Harvey]
[p163894 White, Helen Marla]
[p30638 Viertel, Jack]
[p163887 Pruitt, Jacoby]
[p99390 Harkness, James]
[p260 Brown, Jason Robert]
[p2126 Tesori, Jeanine]
[p143438 Remy, Jelani]
[p113486 Marcus, Joan]
[p18712 Merlin, Joanna]
[p857 Grey, Joel]
[p108743 Perez, Joel]
[p3352 Olivo, Karen]
[p163891 Tsuruharatani, Kei]
[p2445 O'Hara, Kelli]
[p22742 Childs, Kirsten]
[p98081 Brown, Krystal Joy]
[p163895 Yoshii, Kumiko]
[p163882 Lee, L. Morgan]
[p8753 LaChanze, ]
[p163885 Patao, Leilani]
[p76950 Flesner, Leslie Donna]
[p163881 Kritzer, Leslie Rodriguez]
[p33520 Miranda, Lin-Manuel]
[p161073 Myers, Madeline]
[p163868 Attaway, Major]
[p163869 Bilbrew, Malik]
[p163865 Harden, Marcia Gay]
[p59545 James, Marcus Paul]
[p163889 Scott, Marcus]
[p163878 Harriell, Marcy]
[p42741 Saunders, Marilyn]
[p110269 Wallace, Marisha]
[p96560 Harris, Mark]
[p250 Broderick, Matthew]
[p116264 Clayton, Max]
[p163880 Kazzaz, Maya]
[p33402 Streep, Meryl]
[p1213 LaChiusa, Michael John]
[p36428 Mayer, Michael]
[p148970 Jackson, Michael R.]
[p126370 Marcell, Morgan]
[p27495 Williams, NaTasha Yvette]
[p922 Harris, Neil Patrick]
[p159142 Walker, Nik]
[p53326 Lear, Norman]
[p163886 Payton, Nova]
[p2557 Myers, Pamela]
[p106449 Vogel, Paula]
[p52190 Szot, Paulo]
[p163866 Hoffman, Philip Seymour]
[p20795 Rashād, Phylicia]
[p5546 Lopez, Priscilla]
[p30698 Darrington, Quentin Earl]
[p76956 Scott, Rashidra]
[p1340 Luker, Rebecca]
[p163890 Taichman, Rebecca]
[p1525 Moreno, Rita]
[p4737 Lee, Robert]
[p54218 De Jesús, Robin]
[p142445 Siddiqui, Rona]
[p78688 Everett, Rupert]
[p112961 Miles, Ruthie Ann]
[p163877 Haddad, Ryan J.]
[p163888 Quinn, Sam]
[p160484 Cannold, Sammi]
[p163867 Jackson, Samuel L.]
[p126495 Meahl, Sarah]
[p18501 Glover, Savion]
[p12362 Trujillo, Sergio]
[p163893 Weir, Shannon Fiona]
[p163870 Bland, Shay]
[p917 Harnick, Sheldon]
[p1266 Lee, Sondra]
[p3428 Block, Stephanie J.]
[p186 Birkenhead, Susan]
[p10593 Stroman, Susan]
[p2789 Foster, Sutton]
[p163873 Cyrus, Taeler Elyse]
[p131890 Jones, Taylor Iman]
[p3896 Leung, Telly]
[p470 Curry, Tim]
[p150332 Kirdahy, Tom]
[p1692 Pinkins, Tonya]
[p160494 Cullman, Trip]
[p2945 Clark, Victoria]
[p159184 Shields, André De]
[p283 Burns, Andréa]
[p20795 Rashād, Phylicia]
[p54218 De Jesús, Robin]