Stats: Annie Get Your Gun > Original Broadway Cast

590 Collectors

No release specified

177: 123456789a, 123456a, AAACastAlbum, ahmelie, al_newman423, Amanda, angelclaud, artscallion, attilamb, auntbeast, babelijucy, Bajost, baker_shaker, bdal, beauty_girl, best12bars, BklynCollector, bloody-wonder, born2bebroadway, BranC, BreakaLeg, bredding, brick, brittlesmile, BroadwayMatinee, brooklynbecca, bwayfreak1994, bwayjuvinile, bwayluv1010, bwayrocks, CC-Bloom, ccaggiano, cdrmusicals, CharityH0pe, CharlieAnderson, chris1228, Chuckieroy2005, CJEscandell, coffinjumper, cristianew, Ctgsjc, Ctiniser, Dan032003, dancl94, Dave, DeeZeno, deHavvy, delusionsofgrandeur, diablouk, directorev, DizzyMissLizzy, djwoh, dkusterm, dougpeckvoice, Drh08, eloraculo, ElvisPretzle, Enelar, EstrognBoy, eugdizon, eveliene, Exdancer, filmguy78, firenze88, Fosterdeux, FoundARecord, gdwlistener, Genekelly7, german, giddyseizures, GoodBuddy, GretaAnnegret, hobbes, houseaddict91, inonoroff, irmelin, iwantubleeders, jaktg, JamesBabcock, Jason_B, jdsmith210, jevans3, jhershour, Jimmcf, JopukaProductions, Julian2, jv92, KaBes, kanderebb, Katelyn, kelso, Ken-R, Kennyboy88, Kimblain, KiraMGJ, Kjisgroovy, Kp66, kronlm, laboheme, laeintsch, LBathoryTRADES, leporello, lightinthepiazza05, Liv4Bway, lpbway, lukep97, lvpblues, mattrob, MattyB86, md, MelisandeScott, MindyB, mirandajrs, mjjared, Moncure, mortia, MRSilva, Mtaz, munkustrap178, Musical925, MusicalFreak, musicalnut, mvanduzer, nickyc123, nicoleswofford, NYCMusicalGuy, Patronus, Phantom2004, philcrosby, Pianist391, plainchant, prairiec, queenie, retiree, Richie248, RickvdBelt, RobWSchneider25, rr_the_actor, rytoast1, SaltpeterJohn, Scintillating19, Scot, seventysevenplus, shawnjsd, Showtunes, sidneybruhl, simeon22, slambo, slotman55, SMC1960, Snowbaest, sondhead, SondheimGeek, sondheimhats, Sondheimite, SpeakLowMrWeill, stevie, stevie1, TarinMcG, testytator, theaterkid1015, theatredork, TheDarkMusical, TheSingingStage, topcatnyc, Trewsbury, tybolt, violet77, vovsene, WantsToTrade, wbmac, wicked_boi, wonderboymj, wyou17, zamenhof, Zelina, zoowhami

Great Broadway Shows

Avid 144 (4-CD)

1: IanGUK

Avid Records/Tradition Alive (2-CD)

7: AndyW, Davisinio, IanGUK, musicalhit, rpfbcn, ScarletSongs, SONDHEIM

Brunswick LAT8002 (LP)

5: AndyW, Davisinio, iroo, rhfan, SONDHEIM

Coral CPS 22 (LP)

3: Davisinio, rhfan, SONDHEIM

Decca 9-12 (6-45)

3: Davisinio, Fantine, SONDHEIM

Decca DA 468 (6-78)

12: cmichaelperry, Davisinio, Fantine, Flippy59, frontrowcentre, husk_charmer, icebound4now, jose, lptodisc, michaelalan576, MrEgerman, SONDHEIM

Decca DL 79018 (LP)

18: AndyW, Barry, barsros, bostonbasset, BruceBlock, Clala, cmichaelperry, courtnyj, Davisinio, drsd2kill, fshepinc, iroo, jose, Michael, Recollector, RenzoRienzi, sallystreisand, SONDHEIM

Decca DL 8001 (LP)

13: AMonarch, AndyW, ashmolean, Davisinio, Deester, Fantine, frontrowcentre, fshepinc, iroo, jose, lesdouga, Recollector, SONDHEIM

Decca DL 9018 (LP)

20: AndyW, bretbob, BruceBlock, cmichaelperry, dancerNate, Davisinio, frontrowcentre, fshepinc, Geoconno, iroo, KAL, kevinddaly, lptodisc, nydirector, oeteltoet, P1Pippin, Recollector, SFRed, SONDHEIM, zeldafaybaker

Decca ED 805 (3-45)

2: Davisinio, SONDHEIM

Decca Broadway 012 159 243-2 (CD)

141: 1234helloo, 2manydvds, alemartini74-I-TRADE, amadeusapple87, andrevanhest, andyp, AndyW, anythingmusical, azcollector, Barry, BCAms, billkruckman, BLT24601, boilermaker, bostonbasset, bretw, BwayGuy12, BwayMusicals, Cassiopeia, castrecording, cb300, chaser, ChipC, choitoy, cmichaelperry, COOOOLkid, CraigRhyne, csoparules, daniel, Davisinio, Deester, defyingravity11, dgoodma2, Digitalmozart, Diodenes-of-Catania, DisneyDork93, divarobbie, dmichaeld, dplux, drsd2kill, dukie54, efolds12, EKtwins, emagnitude, epenthesis, Erika, Fantine, Fantod, firenze10, FirstObserver, floridon, Fonheim, frabaert, frontrowcentre, fshepinc, Geoconno, georged555, GordShumALF, GuidoContini, HaroldArlen, Hulk, iamaldolpho, IanGUK, incostapedial, iroo, jasper050, jefferson65, Jerome, JJ, JMHG, JoeyDa, JosephNYC, Joshdukie54, jreeves, kevinddaly, KevinJamesLogan, lagofca, LebNochEinmal, liza66, losingmymind, manndreas, Marcinthedark5, mckeldinb, mdsch, misterallen, MisterMatt, Moci, mrmattlansburyaolcom, musicaldigger, musicalhit, musictheatrenut, mylesie, Nino, NLS, nydirector, OldieMusicMan, PeterPanfan, phantomphan, Phylxu, PracticallyPerfect, raiderred, Recollector, RenzoRienzi, rimcat, robbyp921, robricant, Rockyfan2000, Rodolfo, sallystreisand, SantEsprz, Sebasvb1987, SFRed, Sheridan, skindieboy, SONDHEIM, SondheimSundays, stageben, stuartf98, Stupidlolita, thatkidstuieee, thatmegkid, thatpurpledress, theaterbear, thecattwoman, thegabrielgoodman, TheGeneral1776, TheJRockingRCo, TheMerm, ThespianAtHeart, titanic1, ToddWG, TopherMusicalGeek, Tresceibas, txaggieboy, TXTyler, upperco, urstan, vladdy, westendtobroadway, WRaveau, xaieta

Decca Broadway 012 159 243-2 (CD)

1: Davisinio

Legendary Broadway Musicals

Documents (10-CD)

3: BroadwayGuy, SingingLibrarian, txaggieboy

Songs from the Shows

Empress RAJDD8002 (2-CD)

7: AndyW, CardinalPirelli, IanGUK, Recollector, rhfan, SingingLibrarian, testytator

Annie Get Your Gun & Kiss Me Kate

Living Era CD AJA 5343 (CD)

3: IanGUK, ross, SONDHEIM

MCA 1626 (LP)

6: Davisinio, Fantine, fshepinc, HaroldArlen, iroo, SONDHEIM

MCA 2031 (LP)

7: BruceBlock, Davisinio, dogonfire, fshepinc, iroo, petcow101, SONDHEIM

MCA 37092 (LP)

7: BroadwayGuy, Davisinio, Fantine, fshepinc, iroo, rhfan, SONDHEIM

MCA MCAC 1626 (Cassette)

5: Davisinio, Fantine, fshepinc, jose, SONDHEIM

MCA MCAD-10047 (CD)

70: 122a, AAAJockBoy, AMONI, Andy951, AndyW, aorin, ariauo398, ashmolean, Babalu24, barsros, bleedernumber1, bostonbasset, BroadwayGuy, BwayGuy12, bwylvr, CardinalPirelli, cartoncho, ciao, Cluefan072588, Davisinio, Demoneyeskyo87, Dreamore, elutt, Fantine, Flippy59, fshepinc, gamat, georged555, hamlet35, harvle, hotfootedhenry, IanGUK, ihearttequila, iroo, johalfnote, kdt628, Kerry, lesdouga, Lillie, lineuphere, lptodisc, Matt, MisterMatt, MrsChanandler, MusicalesPeru, musicalfan1999, NellieB, NYCNewCds, pmwxyz, rdimucci, Recollector, rhfan, Rodolfo, RyanPBratt, sallystreisand, ScarletSongs, ShowQueenNYC, SingOut, SLOTHlevine, SONDHEIM, stagescreen, tele6171, TheJRockingRCo, thisismyusername, TobytheHobbit, TomSD, VictorVonDoom, WickedHanschen, woolmintons, yebsakin

Annie Get Your Gun Out

MusicBank APWCD01509 (CD)

3: Davisinio, ross, SONDHEIM

Naxos 8.120790 (CD)

26: AMP, AndyW, Archivist, dancerNate, Davisinio, Fantine, fshepinc, IanGUK, iroo, javierring, leonhartes, Madison, Mattio22, mymusical, qolbinau, rafa, rainbow12334444mkeat, ross, ShowQueenNYC, SingingLibrarian, SONDHEIM, Sportzfanatic755, suppy, ThatBlackCat, TheatreVaultz, TheJRockingRCo

Pegasus (CD)

2: Davisinio, SONDHEIM

Popular Record Club E187 (LP)

4: Davisinio, iroo, SONDHEIM, zeldafaybaker

Prism PLATCD 728 (CD)

34: actsingdance, AndyW, Archivist, auldlangsyne, catfishoctopus, clopin, Coopie, Davisinio, dukie54, enekosondheim, evitainternational, frontrowcentre, Geoconno, husk_charmer, hysteria1978, IanGUK, iroo, jamesfredericks, Lloydwebbercollector, michael1980, MythosEdddy, PaulThomas, RainbowJude, Recollector, rhfan, sallystreisand, SONDHEIM, soundofmusicals, stageben, StageDoorLondon, Stirling1983, TheJRockingRCo, TheMerm, txaggieboy

The Digital Gramophone (Audio File)

2: Davisinio, SONDHEIM

World Music 88010 (CD)

6: Davisinio, Fantine, iroo, musictheatrenut, SONDHEIM, Svip

Xtra (CD)

2: nelson, SONDHEIM


3.8 / 5 (8 votes)

Rated by: mckeldinb (5), DizzyMissLizzy (5), vladdy (5), jefferson65 (5), emagnitude (4), qolbinau (3), Coopie (2), Archivist (1)



Submitted by: hitormiss on 2006-01-01

Corrections contributed by: Rodolfo (4), BEShyer, dlh

Release Avid 144 (4-CD)

Submitted by: BroadwayGuy on 2011-10-22

Images contributed by: BroadwayGuy

Corrections contributed by: zoowhami

Release Avid Records/Tradition Alive (2-CD)

Submitted by: BroadwayGuy on 2010-03-10

Images contributed by: BroadwayGuy

Release Brunswick LAT8002 (LP)

Submitted by: AndyW on 2007-11-07

Images contributed by: AndyW

Release Coral CPS 22 (LP)

Submitted by: rhfan on 2011-02-27

Release Decca 9-12 (6-45)

Submitted by: frontrowcentre

Release Decca DA 468 (6-78)

Submitted by: frontrowcentre

Images contributed by: lptodisc (2)

Release Decca DL 79018 (LP)

Submitted by: hitormiss

Images contributed by: hitormiss

Release Decca DL 8001 (LP)

Submitted by: frontrowcentre

Images contributed by: Deester

Release Decca DL 9018 (LP)

Submitted by: frontrowcentre

Images contributed by: lptodisc

Release Decca ED 805 (3-45)

Submitted by: frontrowcentre

Release Decca Broadway 012 159 243-2 (CD)

Submitted by: dlh on 2019-11-16

Images contributed by: Rodolfo

Tracks indexed by: dlh on 2019-11-16

Corrections contributed by: dlh (3)

Release Decca Broadway 012 159 243-2 (CD)

Submitted by: hitormiss

Images contributed by: Deester

Tracks indexed by: hitormiss on 2013-07-29

Corrections contributed by: Rodolfo (3), BEShyer, dlh

Release Documents (10-CD)

Submitted by: BroadwayGuy on 2016-06-23

Images contributed by: BroadwayGuy

Corrections contributed by: BroadwayGuy, Rodolfo

Release Empress RAJDD8002 (2-CD)

Submitted by: AndyW on 2007-12-01

Images contributed by: AndyW

Release Living Era CD AJA 5343 (CD)

Submitted by: ross on 2008-02-11

Images contributed by: ross

Release MCA 1626 (LP)

Submitted by: frontrowcentre

Release MCA 2031 (LP)

Submitted by: frontrowcentre

Release MCA 37092 (LP)

Submitted by: frontrowcentre

Images contributed by: BroadwayGuy

Release MCA MCAC 1626 (Cassette)

Submitted by: jose on 2007-07-01

Release MCA MCAD-10047 (CD)

Submitted by: hitormiss

Images contributed by: hitormiss

Tracks indexed by: hitormiss on 2007-03-15

Release MusicBank APWCD01509 (CD)

Submitted by: ross on 2010-11-09

Images contributed by: hitormiss (2)

Release Naxos 8.120790 (CD)

Submitted by: frontrowcentre on 2007-09-09

Images contributed by: frontrowcentre

Corrections contributed by: ross

Release Pegasus (CD)

Submitted by: BroadwayGuy on 2010-03-06

Images contributed by: BroadwayGuy

Release Popular Record Club E187 (LP)

Submitted by: NotSinceCarrie on 2007-10-20

Images contributed by: NotSinceCarrie

Release Prism PLATCD 728 (CD)

Submitted by: hitormiss

Images contributed by: hitormiss

Release The Digital Gramophone (Audio File)

Submitted by: BroadwayGuy on 2013-02-22

Images contributed by: hitormiss

Release World Music 88010 (CD)

Submitted by: Svip on 2007-10-04

Images contributed by: Svip (2)

Release Xtra (CD)

Submitted by: BroadwayGuy on 2010-03-07

Images contributed by: BroadwayGuy

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