Stats: Annie 2: Story and Songs from the Sequel > Studio Cast

274 Collectors

Time Life 19538 (2-CD)

274: 122a, 2manydvds, AAAJockBoy, albin3, AloneInSilence, amadeusapple87, AMONI, andrevanhest, andyp, AndyW, aorin, Archivist, ArtfulIke, auntbeast, azcollector, babelijucy, Bajost, bdal, BDrischBDemented, beadlebamford, bem, billkruckman, bleedernumber1, boilermaker, bostonbasset, brenjaminbarker, bretw, brick, BroadwayGuy, BroadwayMatinee, buenvlad, bwayfreak1994, BwayGuy12, bwayjuvinile, BwayMusicals, bwylvr, CardinalPirelli, cartoncho, castrecording, catfishoctopus, cb300, ccaggiano, CharlieAnderson, chaser, choitoy, ciao, ClaireSned, ClaireSnedeker, clopin, Cluefan072588, coloredlights, CoolRider, Coopie, CraigRhyne, Ctgsjc, dancerNate, DanG1991, danny10086, david73, davidmm, Davisinio, DCF, DCF15, dczaplew, Digitalmozart, directorev, ditsylife09, divarobbie, DizzyMissLizzy, dramadude1992, drsd2kill, Duddums, dukie54, earguy, EGH, eisenherz, eloraculo, elutt, emagnitude, enekosondheim, eponine, EricNYC, eva, Fantine, filmguy78, filmscoreman, firenze88, Flippy59, floridon, Fosterdeux, frontrowcentre, fshepinc, Gavroche, gdwlistener, Geoconno, georged555, GordShumALF, GretaAnnegret, GuidoContini, GuiidoContiinii, h6p8gv, handsome25, HectorCoris, hekiblue, hitormiss, hotfootedhenry, Humberto_Luna, husk_charmer, iamaldolpho, IanGUK, ILuvTheaterTrash, IndyMaestro, ivon, Jacob, jaktg, jamesfredericks, jasper050, jeisrael, Jerome, jflum, JJ, JMHG, JMulch, JoeyDa, jonesy33, Jordito, JosephNYC, Joshdukie54, jpeavey, KaBes, Ken-R, Kerry, kevinddaly, Khelben, Kp66, laeintsch, LargoProductions, LBathoryTRADES, LeaGirl, lesdouga, lightinthepiazza05, Lillie, Liv4Bway, liza66, losingmymind, Lovedatsound, luispo, luvwicked, lvpblues, Marcinthedark5, MarcosCohen, MauriceDeltaco, mdsch, MelisandeScott, mercurialasaka, merrilygal, michael1980, michaelalan576, mikadobcn, MindyB, Minx_the_Dog, mirandajrs, Mistaaa, misterallen, MisterMatt, mlfcnt120, MLoves2Tradexyz, mochakendoll, Moci, Moncure, Mtaz, MTluvr, MusicalesPeru, musicalfan1999, musicalman1964TRADES, musicalnut, musical_babylon, musicisliving, musicman0976, NellieB, nelson, NicholasLyrics, NormalMyth, Nutribox, NYCNewCds, nydirector, ObanTM, OldBrownEars, OldieMusicMan, PaulThomas, pekas2, pepspeed, Phantom2004, PhantomPhanTors, philcrosby, Phylxu, Pittnaucza, plainchant, Poes010288, PracticallyPerfect, pygmalion, queenie, rafa, rbj1967, Recollector, retiree, rhfan, ripcolt72, robbyp921, robray, RobWSchneider25, Rockyfan2000, Rodolfo, Rusty25, RyanPBratt, sallystreisand, SaltpeterJohn, sapsorrow, Scintillating19, Scot, scottjm, scrammit, Serendipity, showprince, showqueen74, ShowQueenNYC, singerunlimited, SingingLibrarian, SingOut, solstrom, SONDHEIM, SondheimSundays, sonkid, Spectropluto, Spider11415, Sportzfanatic755, stageben, stagescreen, steveatdisney, Stirling1983, stuartjames, Svip, TarinMcG, tescoagogo, testytator, thatmegkid, theaterbear, theatreotter, theatrepianoplayer, TheatreVaultz, thecattwoman, TheDarkMusical, thegabrielgoodman, TheGeneral1776, TheJRockingRCo, TheMerm, Thenardier, thesnapegirl, thisismyusername, titanic1, TobytheHobbit, ToddWG, todwithoned26, tonyandrosabella, TopherMusicalGeek, Tresceibas, Trewsbury, troubleclef75, txaggieboy, vladdy, vovsene, westendtobroadway, WilDirects, yebsakin


2.0 / 5 (1 vote)

Rated by: DizzyMissLizzy (2)



Submitted by: Rodolfo on 2014-12-31

Release Time Life 19538 (2-CD)

Submitted by: hitormiss on 2008-04-27

Images contributed by: Rodolfo, losingmymind

Tracks indexed by: hitormiss on 2008-04-27

Corrections contributed by: Rodolfo (6), iamaldolpho

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