Romance on the High Seas

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Jule Styne (541)
Sammy Cahn (318)
I.A.L. Diamond (2), Julius J. Epstein (7), Philip G. Epstein (5)


Audio Recordings

Romance on the High Seas - 1948 Film Soundtrack

Video Recordings

Romance on the High Seas - 1948 Film
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Songs also appear on these recordings (11)

Recording Songs
It's Magic - 1958 Abbey Lincoln It's Magic
Sings for Playboys - 1958 Beverly Kenney It's Magic
What a Diff'rence a Day Makes! - 1959 Dinah Washington It's Magic
Words and Music - 1974 Original London Cast It's Magic, Put 'em in a Box, Tie 'em with a Ribbon and Throw 'em in the Deep Blue Sea
Michael Feinstein Sings the Jule Styne Songbook - 1991 Michael Feinstein It's Magic
Ralph Sharon Swings the Sammy Cahn Songbook - 1994 Ralph Sharon Trio It's Magic, It's You Or No One
All The Way - 1999 Etta Jones It's Magic, It's You Or No One
Dreamy - 2001 Loretta Ables Sayre It's Magic
Plays the Music of Jule Styne - 2002 Jan Lundgren Trio It's You Or No One
Jule Styne in Hollywood - 2005 Studio Cast It's Magic
Something's Gotta Give - 2014 Simon Keenlyside & Scarlett Strallen It's Magic


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